Field studies were conducted to evaluate foramsulfuron for postemergence control of goosegrass in bermudagrass turf as a possible replacement for MSMA. In field trials on a golf course and sports fields planted to bermudagrass, mature goosegrass was controlled effectively (>85% goosegrass dead on the basis of canopy area) with two applications of foramsulfuron plus metribuzin. The herbicide rates that were effective varied among studies, e.g., foramsulfuron at 0.029 or 0.044 kg ai/ha mixed with metribuzin at 0.105 to 0.210 kg ai/ha. Goosegrass was often controlled with MSMA at 2.24 kg ai/ha plus metribuzin at 0.105 to 0.210 kg/ha, but foramsulfuron was always as effective, or more effective, than MSMA, in controlling mature goosegrass, at the same rate of metribuzin. Bermudagrass phytotoxicity of foramsulfuron plus metribuzin was temporary and not different from MSMA plus metribuzin. In one location there was noticeable phytotoxicity 4 wk after initial treatment.