The ultramafic sites at Meikle Kilrannoch, Scotland, have small
colonized patches with soils which have
highly toxic (to many non-indigenous plants) concentrations of Mg and Ni.
toxic metals are unlikely to be
the main cause of the open vegetation as the indigenous plants are at
least partially tolerant of them. The
hypothesis that low soil nutrients were a likely cause of the open vegetation
was tested by a fertilization experiment
in which major nutrients and Ca were added in August 1991 and July 1992
replicated quadrats which initially
had 5·3–6·6% plant cover. There was a large increase
plant cover on major nutrient addition. The increase in
rosette size, flowering, seed production, and recruitment of the dominant
semelparous Cochlearia pyrenaica DC.
ssp. alpina (Bab.) Dalby was studied in detail. The increased
of Cochlearia (and some other native species
at the site) on nutrient addition strengthens the argument that a major
nutrient deficiency rather than a metal
toxicity limits plant growth at Meikle Kilrannoch and shows that at least
some stress tolerators respond with rapid
growth and reproduction when nutrient limitation is removed. A small-scale
experiment set up in June 1993, in
which the major nutrients were added separately, suggested that P and not
or K was the limiting element. The
effects of P seem to be unrelated to any possible reduction in the
availability of the toxic ions Mg 2+ and Ni2+.