Despite the focus on burden of caregiving in gerontological research, studies have shown that few caregivers are overly burdened. This article compares predictors of role-specific burden and two quality-of-life measures among caregivers experiencing heavy care demands to assess role-impact on each. The study included 92 community-based caregivers on Vancouver Island. Predictors included primary stressors, personal resources, and socio-demographic factors. Demands of caregiving emerged as the most significant correlate of role-specific burden and was important for overall well-being indirectly, through burden. Resilience was an important correlate of all three outcomes. Over the year of the study, caregivers improved in all three outcomes examined, but we were unsuccessful in predicting that change. Findings suggest caregivers can both be burdened and simultaneously experience good or high well-being, pointing to the importance of not generalizing from studies restricted only to caregiver burden in making recommendations about these people's overall lives.