As euglenophytes were found to be especially abundant in the Siemianówka Reservoir, Poland, in July 1994, a detailed floristic survey was made. Among the 40 euglenophyta taxa, Trachelomonas was most frequent, with 29 species. The other taxa were Phacus (5), Euglena (5), Lepocinclis (4) and Monomorphina (1). Nine taxa were first recorded for Poland: Trachelomonas curta var. minima, T. intermedia var. papillata, T. neotropica, T. globularis fo. punctata, T. oblonga var. australica, T. planctonica fo. longicollis, fo. ornata, and var. flexicollis, T. silvatica. Details of ultrastructure are illustrated for 29 taxa. T. volvocina var. coranata and var. papilato-punctata are documented with SEM for the first time.