The results of combined single-crystal X-ray diffraction, electron probe microanalysis, Fourier microspectroscopy, and photoluminescence spectroscopy study of crystals of turkestanite from the Dara-i-Pioz deposit, Tien-Shan Mountains, Tajikistan are reported. It is a single-layer sheet silicate belonging to the ekanite group with a steacyite structural type. Averaged major-element analysis provided (wt.%): K2O 4.13(6), CaO 8.1(1), Na2O 2.3(1), ThO2 25.8(4), UO2 3.6(4) and SiO2 55.9(1). The averaged crystal-chemical formula for the studied turkestanite is (Th0.84U0.12)Σ0.96(Ca1.24Na0.65)Σ1.89(K0.75☐0.25)Σ1.00Si8O19.72(OH)0.28. Single-crystal structural refinement of turkestanite gave tetragonal, space group P4/mcc, a = 7.5708(3) Å, c = 14.7300(11) Å, V = 844.27(6) Å3 and Z = 2. Luminescence of the uranyl ion (UO2)2+ is observed in turkestanite. In the excitation spectrum, the bands corresponding to a charge transfer transition from the 2p states of the ligand to the 5f state of uranium were found.