Field studies were conducted to determine the effects of various barnyardgrass populations on growth, yield, and nutrient concentration of transplanted “Jetstar’ tomato. Barnyardgrass densities at 16, 32, and 64 plants/m tomato row were tested in 1982 and 1983. Barnyardgrass shoot fresh weights/unit area increased as density increased. Fresh weight of barnyardgrass shoots ranged from 17 100 kg/ha at 16 plants/m of row to 35 500 kg/ha at 64 plants/m of row. At the vegetative stage, tomato shoot dry weight was unaffected by barnyardgrass. As crop growth progressed, tomato shoot dry weight decreased at all barnyardgrass densities. Season-long interference of barnyardgrass reduced marketable tomato fruit number and fruit weight at all densities compared to weed-free plots. Reductions in marketable fruit weight ranged from 26% to 16 plants/m row to 84% at 64 plants/m row. In 1982, concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg in tomato shoots were unaffected by season-long interference of barnyardgrass at all densities. However, in 1983, concentrations of N and K decreased and concentration of P increased in tomato leaves as the density of barnyardgrass increased. Concentrations of Ca and Mg in tomato leaves were unaltered by barnyardgrass density.