Hemp sesbania interference in cotton was investigated in the greenhouse and in a 2-yr field experiment at Stoneville, MS. In greenhouse experiments, cotton and hemp sesbania heights and plant dry weights (PDW) were not different in ratios of cotton to hemp sesbania of 4:0, 2:2, 1:3, and 0:4 at 3 and 5 wk after emergence (WAE). Hemp sesbania PDW were less for ratios of cotton to hemp sesbania of 3:1 when compared to hemp sesbania PDW of other ratios. Early season cotton seedling vigor and growth (0 to 28 DAP) were not affected by 32 000 hemp sesbania plants ha-1 (3 plants m of row-1). Hemp sesbania plants were hand removed 28, 42, 56, 70, and 84 d after planting (DAP). White cotton blooms and yields were reduced when hemp sesbania plants were not removed by 70 DAP. Seed cotton yields were 2590, 2570, 2460, 2030, 1610, and 1070 kg ha-1 for hemp sesbania removed at 28, 42, 46, 70 and 84 DAP or not removed, respectively. The critical period of weed control or removal of hemp sesbania in cotton is ≤62 DAP.