Weeds persist and cause economic losses in agricultural systems because they
exploit underused portions of that system. Reducing the effect of weeds on
agroecosystems begins with minimizing the number of propagules (e.g., seeds
and tubers) that are produced and returned to the soil. Purple nutsedge is a
problematic weed around the globe, persisting between growing seasons as
tubers in the soil. Halosulfuron is an effective herbicide for controlling
purple nutsedge foliage and is used in corn and several vegetable crops.
Studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of various rates of
halosulfuron on purple nutsedge tuber production. Single, presprouted purple
nutsedge tubers were transplanted into outdoor microplots and treated after
6 wk of growth with six rates of halosulfuron (7 to 208 g ai
ha−1) POST with a nontreated control (NTC). All shoots that had
emerged at the time of application were marked with plastic rings; this
allowed for classification of tubers at exhumation of (1) tubers attached to
shoots that had emerged by the time of application, (2) tubers attached to
shoots that emerged after application, and (3) tubers without an aerial
shoot during the study. Seven weeks after application, the tubers in the
microplots were exhumed and tubers were classified, quantified, and their
ability to sprout was evaluated. In the NTC, there were 530 total tubers,
with a log-logistic regression model describing the tuber population with
increasing halosulfuron rate. The rate of halosulfuron that reduced total
tuber population 50% (I50) was 8 g ha−1. In the NTC, 200 tubers were attached
to shoots that emerged following halosulfuron application, and this class of
tubers had an I50 of 19 g ha−1. Viability of tubers with shoots that
emerged following halosulfuron application was 28% at the 52 g
ha−1 halosulfuron, suggesting the action of the herbicide may
have rendered the tuber nonviable after new shoots were produced. The final
classification of tubers was those that did not have an aerial shoot during
the study. These were tubers in which apical dominance suppressed shoot
development or were likely the most-recent tubers to develop. Of the three
classes, the tubers without shoots were the most numerous in the NTC, with
294 tubers and an I50 of 1 g ha−1. Halosulfuron is an effective herbicide
that not only controls purple nutsedge foliage but also reduces the number
of new tubers produced and overall tuber viability. This could be an
important component to reduce the long-term population density of the