Neurotisation involves transfer of nerves for the restoration of function following injury. A number of
nerves have been used in different part of the peripheral nervous system. This study was undertaken to
develop a practical and relatively safe surgical approach to the treatment of L4 root lesion's. We examined
the effectiveness and safety of neurotisation of the deep peroneal nerve and its branches by the superficial
peroneal nerve. Twelve legs of dissected cadavers provided for teaching purposes in the anatomy laboratory
were used to display the common peroneal nerve and its branches. Each branch was measured using calipers
and analysed to investigate the possibility of neurotisation of the deep peroneal nerve by the superficial
peroneal nerve and its branches. It was found that of the measured branches, transposition was possible
between those to peroneus longus and tibialis anterior on the basis of their diameter and length. In recent
decades, advances in microsurgical reconstruction and understanding of the microanatomy have played
major roles in improving the results of surgical treatment of nerve injuries. There is a need for further
experimental studies on the feasibility of this surgical approach.