The present study examined the serial position effect in 2
subgroups of individuals with vascular dementia (VaD). Nineteen
individuals with mild VaD and 17 individuals with moderate VaD
were administered the California Verbal Learning Test. Both
groups were impaired on a general memory measure, and the
moderately impaired group demonstrated significantly poorer
recall than the mildly impaired group on the first learning
trial and on total learning across trials. In addition, individuals
with mild dementia demonstrated an intact primacy and recency
effect, whereas individuals with moderate dementia demonstrated
neither primacy nor recency effects. The latter findings are
consistent with studies examining the serial position effect
in other dementia populations, and suggests that the absence
of primacy and recency effects in more advanced dementia may
occur regardless of dementia type. (JINS, 2002,
8, 584–587.)