Optimum temperature for germination and emergence of redvine seed in either petri dishes or soil was 35 C. Reductions in germination and emergence occurred at constant temperatures above or below this temperature. No germination or emergence occurred at temperatures above 40 or below 25 C. Germination in petri dishes first occurred on day 8, and emergence was first observed 12 days after planting in a soil medium. Maximum redvine seedling emergence of 74% occurred in soil when seed were planted 0.5 cm deep, with decreases in emergence noted at depths below 5 cm. No emergence occurred over the 35-day period evalμated when redvine seed were planted on the soil surface or at a depth of 10 cm in soil. Redvine germination was not affected by solution pH, whereas germination did not occur when osmotic stress of as little as −200 kPa was applied to seed.