Greenhouse studies were conducted with soil columns to determine the influence of rainfall amount, intensity, and time of application on the bioactivity of 0.07 kg ae ha−1 imazethapyr in three soils of New Jersey: the Berryland sand (BLS) (sandy, siliceous, mesic Typic Haplaquod), Aura sandy loam (ASL) (mixed, mesic Typic Hapludult), and Quakertown silt loam (QSIL) (mixed, mesic Typic Hapludult). The Brockman-Duke simulated rainfall machine was used for rainfall application and smooth pigweed as an imazethapyr bioactivity indicator. As rainfall amount increased from low to high (75 to 300 mm mo−1 equivalent) imazethapyr bioactivity declined significantly in BLS and ASL but was unaffected in QSIL. Rainfall intensity from 6 to 25 mm h−1 had no effect on imazethapyr bioactivity in the three soils. A delay in rainfall application up to 14 d after herbicide application significantly reduced the bioactivity of imazethapyr in BLS but had no effect in ASL and QSIL.