The glacial history in the topographically confined paleo-ice stream drainage route of Vestfjorden, North Norway, was analysed based on bathymetric data, high-resolution seismology and 14C AMS-dated gravity cores. The inner part of the fjord is characterised by axial-parallel mega-scale lineations whereas the outer part is dominated by two marginal morainal bank systems. The Værøy (inner) and Røst (outer) marginal moraine systems comprise several transverse, zigzag-shaped ridges. Seismic records show thrusted and folded sediment blocks within the ridges. The landforms are inferred to reflect basal processes and the transition from warm-based (inner fjord) to cold-based (outer fjord) conditions, i.e. fast flow followed by basal freeze-on, sediment deformation and morainal bank formation. The moraines formed during the final part of two paleo-ice sheet re-advances. 14C AMS dating indicates a maximum age of 13.7 14C ka BP (16.2 cal ka BP) for the Røst system whereas the Værøy system is inferred to be slightly older than 12.5 14C ka BP (14.5 cal ka BP). This demonstrates that the northern part of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet behaved in a much more dynamic way during the early deglaciation than previously assumed.