The occurrence of personality change due to traumatic
brain injury (PC), and its clinical and neuroimaging correlates
were investigated. Ninety-four children, ages 5 through
14 at the time of hospitalization following traumatic brain
injury (TBI; severe TBI N = 37;
mild–moderate TBI N = 57),
were assessed. Standardized psychiatric, adaptive functioning,
cognitive functioning, family functioning, family psychiatric
history, severity of injury, and neuroimaging assessments
were conducted. The Neuropsychiatric Rating Schedule (NPRS)
was used to establish a diagnosis of PC. Approximately 40%
of consecutively hospitalized severe TBI participants had
ongoing persistent PC an average of 2 years postinjury.
An additional approximately 20% had a history of a remitted
and more transient PC. PC occurred in 5% of mild–moderate
TBI but was always transient. Interrater reliability for the
diagnosis of PC was good (Kappa = .70). In severe TBI
participants, persistent PC was significantly associated
with severity of injury, particularly impaired consciousness
over 100 hr, adaptive and intellectual functioning decrements,
and concurrent diagnosis of secondary attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder, but was not significantly related to
any psychosocial adversity variables. These findings suggest
that PC is a frequent diagnosis following severe TBI in
children and adolescents, but is much less common following
mild–moderate TBI. (JINS, 2000, 6,