The dorso-laterally located eyes of the southern hemisphere lamprey
Mordacia mordax (Agnatha) contain a single morphological type
of retinal photoreceptor, which possesses ultrastructural
characteristics of both rods and cones. This photoreceptor has a large
refractile ellipsosome in the inner segment and a long cylindrical
outer segment surrounded by a retinal pigment epithelium that contains
two types of tapetal reflectors. The photoreceptors form a hexagonal
array and attain their peak density (33,200
receptors/mm2) in the ventro-temporal retina. Using the
size and spacing of the photoreceptors and direct measures of aperture
size and eye dimensions, the peak spatial resolving power and optical
sensitivity are estimated to be 1.7 cycles deg−1
(minimum separable angle of 34′7′′) and 0.64
μm2 steradian (white light) and 1.38 μm2
steradian (preferred wavelength or λmax), respectively.
Microspectrophotometry reveals that the visual pigment located within
the outer segment is a rhodopsin with a wavelength of maximum
absorbance (λmax) at 514 nm. The ellipsosome has very
low absorptance (<0.05) across the measured spectrum (350–750
nm) and probably does not act as a spectral filter. In contrast to all
other lampreys studied, the optimized receptor packing, the large width
of the ellipsosome-bearing inner segment, together with the presence of
a retinal tapetum in the photophobic Mordacia, all represent
adaptations for low light vision and optimizing photon capture.