The Mewari and Jaisalmeri breeds of camel are among the four major breeds of Indian camel. The Mewari breed is known for the production of milk and its adaptability to the hilly terrain of the Aravali hills in south Rajasthan whereas the Jaisalmeri breed is known for its riding and race potential. A total of 320 camels from 16 herds in eight villages belonging to three districts of the major breeding tract of the Mewari camel were covered. The population of the Mewari camel was estimated to be 16 221 heads with a 28% decline in the last five years. The extent of cross breeding was estimated to be 36%. The average adult Mewari camel had a 193 cm height at wither, 194 cm heart girth and 158 cm body length. Adult Mewari camels produce about 700 grams of hair per annum and the females produce 5–7 litres of milk per day. An integrated rotational grazing pasture development programme could be of great use in maintaining the Mewari camels with diverse livestock species under optimum production.
To define the status of the Jaisalmeri camel, an investigation encompassing 1 760 camel breeders belonging to the 181 villages distributed over the entire strata of the tract was carried out. The population of the Jaisalmeri camel was estimated to be 118 083 heads with a 31% decline in the last five years. An adult Jaisalmeri camel had a 199 cm height at wither, 211 cm heart girth and 156 cm body length. Adult males and females weighed 593 and 519 kg, respectively. Emphasis should be placed on making the breedable males of the breed available throughout the strata and on improving the utility of the breed for in-situ maintenance of genetic diversity in the breed.