Megaptera novaeangliae sightings were gathered in the 2002 winter season, between February and April throughout several seismic survey cruises in a study area located north of Margarita Island. The data were processed by GIS (MapInfo 4.5) considering environmental features such as underwater topography and bathymetry. The spatial and temporal distribution of M. novaeangliae in the study area suggested a significant concentration of whales within the Margarita–Los Testigos submarine platform region in a transition zone along the shelf edge between the north coast of Margarita Island and La Blanquilla Island. This apparent wintering habitat includes protected calving areas such as the Los Frailes Archipelago and Margarita Island itself. The seasonal presence of this species in the territorial waters of the north-east coast of Venezuela indicates the biological value of these animals, as well as the vulnerability of the whales that dwell in this area to oil and gas exploration and development activities.