The 2.12 μm v = 1−0 S(1) line of molecular hydrogen has been imaged in the Hourglass region of M8. The line is emitted from a roughly bipolar region, centred around the O7 star Herschel 36. The peak H2 1−0 S(1) line intensity is 8.2 × 10−15 erg s−1 cm−2arcsec−2. The line centre emission velocity varies from −25 kms−1 in the SE lobe to +45 kms−1 in the NW lobe. The distribution is similar to that of the CO J = 3−2 line. The H2 line appears to be shock-excited when a bipolar outflow from Herschel 36 interacts with the ambient molecular cloud. The total luminosity of all H2 lines is estimated to be ˜16 L⊙ and the mass of the hot molecular gas ˜9 × 10−4 M⊙ (without any correction for extinction).