In a previous study, we demonstrated that unilateral
cerebral lesions produce hypometric limb movements of the
contralateral arm and hemispatial (i.e., directional) hypometria
for movements towards contralateral hemispace. In the present
study, we investigated 10 patients with right cerebral
lesions and 25 healthy controls using a task to uncouple
deficits in sensory perceptual systems and motor-action
output systems on directional hypometria. This task required
participants, with their eyes closed, to reproduce lateral
and medial horizontal displacements (15–27 cm) with
each arm. Each participant was seated at a waist high table
and had their hand placed at an origin point aligned with
the axillary fold on the same side. Their hand was moved
by the investigator from the origin point to a target point
and brought back to the point of origin (input displacement).
The participant was then asked to return their hand to
either the same target point or to an equidistant target
point in the opposite direction. Healthy dextral participants
were significantly more hypometric with their right arm,
but patients with right cerebral lesions exhibited an opposite
pattern with overall left arm hypometria. In addition,
patients were significantly more hypometric for movements
when output displacements were toward left hemispace. No
effect was found for direction of sensory input. The results
suggest that the directional hypometria is predominantly
produced by hemispatial output deficits. (JINS,
2000, 6, 71–75.)