The paper presents milk production results in a domestic Balkan goat breed reared in the north-western region of the Sharplanina massif. A characteristic of the domestic Balkan goat is that it is reared under poor conditions where other domestic animals can not find enough food to survive. These goats have a strong constitution, are robust and resistent to contagious and parasitic diseases, tolerant to hot, arid climate, and have modest nutritional requirements. The entire body (except the nose, hoofs, and lower portion of the tail) is covered by hair. Hair color varies. Most often it is reddish or gray, but can also be black, as well as chestnut, brown, patchy, and seldom, white. Body size increases with age, due to the fact that the domestic Balkan goat matures late, reaching full size at about 4 years of age. Mean values for height at withers and body length in mature goats were 66 and 70 cm, respectively. Lactation duration was 238 days, total milk production 178 kg per lactation, milk fat 3.68%. An average of 1.2 kids are obtained per goat annualy. Poor fertility of the domestic Balkan goat is caused by numerous reasons, mainly poor nutrition.