A mobile manipulator is treated as a robotic system composed of a non-holonomic mobile platform and a holonomic manipulator mounted on the platform. The kinematics of the mobile manipulator can be represented as a driftless control system with outputs. By adopting the endogenous configuration space approach we propose two kinematic dexterity measures, called local and global dexterity. The local dexterity, modeled upon the manipulability of stationary manipulators, indicates how infinitesimal motions in the configuration space propagate to the taskspace of the mobile manipulator. The global dexterity corresponds to L2-norm of the local dexterity over a prescribed region of the configuration space. Advantages of the endogenous dexterity measures over traditional performance measures of mobile manipulators known from the literature are described. Both the dexterities are employed for determining optimal configurations and optimal geometries of an exemplary mobile manipulator.