Based on the discrete optimal choice theory and a random utility model (RUM) framework, this paper focuses on the firm's long-term choices. A behavioural
study on the stay and exit decisions of the fishing firms belonging to the
inshore fleet of the Basque Country is undertaken by estimating a logistic
model from a set of socio-economical sample panel data for the period
2003-04. Specifically, we aim to determine the set of vessels', skippers'
and economic variables that may influence the probability of a fishing
vessel to exit from the fishing activity. Special attention will be paid to
the roll that incentives generated by decommissioning grants play in the
fishermen's long-term behaviour. Our results indicate that the owner's age,
years of experience being a skipper, the arrangement of continuity in the
familiar business, the degree of dependency upon bank loan and lastly but
not least decommissioning grants may significantly determine the decision to
abandon the activity.