John Barnett, associate professor, social sciences, Emporia State University, will travel to Vietnam to research public administration and was also awarded sabbatical.
Vicki Claypool, professor, department of political science, University of Iowa, received a grant for US Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command, Why Do Citizens Engage in Bureaucratic Corruption? Political Causes and Consequences of “Illicit Exchanges” in the Post-Soviet Region.
Bruce Desmarais, assistant professor, department of political science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, was named principal investigator, National Science Foundation, Scientific Evidence in Regulation and Governance. He was also named Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: Specification and Estimation of Exponential Family Random Graph Models for Weighted Networks; and named coprincipal investigator, National Science Foundation, III: Small: Organizational Responsiveness to Open Outside Input: A Modeling Approach based on Statistical Text and Network Analysis.
Donald Downs, commencement speaker, department of political science, University of Wisconsin Madison, December 2013
Pierre Englebert, professor, department of politics, Pomona College, published Inside African Politics, Lynne Rienner Publishers, with Kevin Dunn
David Fott, professor, department of political science, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, published a translation of Cicero’s “On the Republic”and “On the Laws” in the Agora Editions of Cornell University Press. Fott’s edition is the first to appear since publication of the latest critical edition of the Latin texts. It contains an introduction, extensive notes, and indexes of personal names and important terms.
Jessica F. Green, assistant professor, political science, Case Western Reserve University, published book, Rethinking Private Authority: Agents and Entrepreneurs in Global Environmental Governance, Princeton University Press
Jarrod Hayes, assistant professor, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology, received a fellowship at the Smith School at Oxford University during fall 2013.
John Hird, professor, department of political science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, was named coprincipal investigator, National Science Foundation, Scientific Evidence in Regulation and Governance.
Raymond La Raja, associate professor, department of political science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, was named principal investigator, Hewlett Foundation, Effect of Party-Centered Campaign Finance Laws on American Politics.
Kathryn C. Lavelle, professor, political science, Case Western Reserve University, published Money and Banks in the American Political System, Cambridge University Press.
Susan McWilliams, associate professor, department of politics, Pomona College, published Traveling Back: Toward a Global Political Theory, Oxford.
Julianna Pacheco, assistant professor, department of political science, University of Iowa, received a grant from National Science Foundation for Broadband Use Mapping, Data, and Evaluation.
Alison Post, assistant professor, Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, received DIL Innovate Fall Grant Series Grant.
William Reisinger, professor, department of political science, University of Iowa, received grant for US Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command, Why Do Citizens Engage in Bureaucratic Corruption?: Political Causes and Consequences of “Illicit Exchanges” in the Post-Soviet Region.
Brian Schaffner, professor, department of political science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, was named co-principal investigator, Hewlett Foundation, Effect of Party-Centered Campaign Finance Laws on American Politics.
Randall Schweller, professor, department of political science, Ohio State University, named editor-in-chief, Security Studies.
Charles Taber, professor, department of political science, Stony Brook University, published The Rationalizing Voter.
Caroline Tolbert, professor, department of political science, University of Iowa, received a grant from National Science Foundation for Broadband Use Mapping, Data, and Evaluation.
Susan Yackee, department of political science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, received a grant from the Burroughs Welcome Fund for “When Politics Intrudes on Science,” a five-year study of how science is used within the regulatory policymaking process at the US FDA.