Competition finalists shown on the cover are identified below. The identities and affiliations of the submitters were not known to the judges. The larger number of Open category finalists reflects the larger number of entries in that category. Prize winners will be named at the annual M&M meeting in August. Finalist micrographs may be viewed at the 2022 gallery, and the microscopy community is invited to vote there for the People's Choice Award (website at the bottom of this page).
Column 1 (Published category)
C1-1Agate thin section from Brazil (polarized light microscopy) by Bernardo Cesare
C1-2Anesthetized water boatman (polarized dark-field microscopy) by Karl Gaff
C1-3Tibialis muscle fibers (transmission electron microscopy) by Kristen Dancel-Manning
C1-4Cyanobacteria colony (fluorescence light microscopy) by Håkan Kvarnström
C1-5Snowflake collected in Timmins, Canada (light microscopy) by Nathan Myhrvold
Columns 2, 3, and 4 (Open category of unpublished micrographs)
C2-1Fungus on butterfly wing (scanning electron microscopy) by Vijayasankar Raman
C2-2Dinosaur bone with fossil bone tissue (polarized light microscopy) by Bernardo Cesare
C2-3Sphagnum moss with desmid (polarized light microscopy) by Marek Mis
C2-4Silicate melt droplets (scanning electron microscopy and X-ray maps) by Tobias Salge
C2-5Diatom Aulacodiscus sp. from Guatemala (light microscopy) by Mark Webber
C3-1Strand of hair tied in a knot (light microscopy) by Håkan Kvarnström
C3-2Operational amplifier 741 in its housing (light microscopy) by Gerd Günther
C3-3Bisphenol A crystals on stressed polycarbonate (light microscopy) by Lisa Powell
C3-4Grain orientations revealed in CoSm magnet (SEM and EBSD) by Felix Trauter
C3-5Tabellaria fenestra diatom from Sweden (DIC light microscopy) by Håkan Kvarnström
C4-1Mineral skeleton of a radiolarian (scanning electron microscopy) by Elizabeth King
C4-2Neuromuscular junctions in fruit fly larvae (light microscopy) by Akanksha Bhatnagar
C4-3Cross section of a tulip bulb (light microscopy) by Andrei Savitsky
C4-4Freshwater diptera larva (light microscopy) by Karl Gaff
C4-5Apatite nanocrystals in cave bear enamel (synchrotron PEEM) by Cayla Stifler
Column 5 (Video category)
C5-1Immune cells in small intestinal villi (fluorescence microscopy) by Frederic Fercoq
C5-2Formation of potassium permanganate crystals (light microscopy) by Sameer Shaikh
C5-3Serial sectioning of printed circuit (X-ray computed tomography) by Pouya Tavousi
C5-4Domain contrast during magnetization (light microscopy) by Dominic Hohs
C5-5Crystals of salicylic and lactic acids (polarized light microscopy) by Bernardo Cesare
Vote for your favorite micrograph
at the 2022 image gallery: