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Summary This survey deals with five books: (i) Ethical Questions, by Moritz Schlick; (ii) Significance, Genuineness, and Love, by Paul Feldkeller; (iii) Neo-Kantian Tasks, by Kurt Sternberg; (iv) Kant's Ethics, by Arthur Liebert; and (v) Contemporary Philosophy of the History of Art, by Walter Passarge
page 370 note 1 Fragen der Ethik. Vienna: Julius Springer. 1930. Pp. vi + 152.
page 372 note 1 Sinn, Echtheit, Liebe nach Paul Hofmann's Sinn-Analyse. Berlin: Pan-Verlagsgesellschaft. 1931. Pp. 130.Google Scholar
page 373 note 1 Neukantische Aufgaben. Berlin: Pan-Verlagsgesellschaft. 1930. Pp. 84. RM. 3.50.Google Scholar
page 373 note 2 Die “Bestimmung” des philosophischen Unterrichts. Berlin: Pan-Verlagsgesellschaft. Pp. 32. RM. 1.80.Google Scholar
page 374 note 1 Kants Ethik. Berlin: Pan-Verlagsgesellschaft. 1931. Pp. 56. RM. 3.50.Google Scholar
page 374 note 2 Die Philosophie der Kunstgeschichte in der Gegenwart. Berlin: Junker and Dünnhaupt. 1930. Pp. v + 101. RM. 4.50.Google Scholar