Agnew, John, Hidden Geopolitics: Governance in a Globalized World, 1530
Allen, Danielle, Justice by Means of Democracy, 1463
Allen, Susan Hannah and Amy Yuen, Bargaining in the Security Council: Setting the Global Agenda, 1527
Amberg, Stephen, A Democracy That Works: How Working-Class Power Defines Liberal Democracy in the United States, 1482
Annenberg IOD Collaborative: Matthew Levendusky, Josh Pasek, Bruce Hardy, R. Lance Holbert, Kate Kenski, Yotam Ophir, Andrew Renninger, Daniel Romer, Dror Walter, Ken Winneg, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Democracy amid Crises: Polarization, Pandemic, Protests, and Persuasion, 1468
Atanassow, Ewa, Tocqueville’s Dilemmas, and Ours: Sovereignty, Nationalism, Globalization, 1462
Bensel, Franklin Richard, The Founding of Modern States, 1447
Berg, Louis-Alexandre, Governing Security after War: The Politics of Institutional Change in the Security Sector, 1534
Boas, Taylor C., Evangelicals and Electoral Politics in Latin America: A Kingdom of This World, 1509
Brown, Nadia E. and Danielle Casarez Lemi, Sister Style: The Politics of Appearance for Black Women Political Elites, 1488
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Simon Hug, and Julian Wucherpfennig, Sharing Power, Securing Peace? Ethnic Inclusion and Civil War, 1496
Chinigò, Davide, Everyday Practices of State Building in Ethiopia: Power, Scale and Performativity, 1493
Doherty, Brendan J., Fundraiser in Chief: Presidents and the Politics of Campaign Cash, 1481
Douglass, Robin, Mandeville’s Fable: Pride, Hypocrisy, and Sociability, 1458
Erueti, Andrew, The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A New Interpretive Approach, 1524
Fleming, James E., Constructing Basic Liberties: A Defense of Substantive Due Process, 1472
Frederking, Brian, Renegotiating the Liberal Order: Evidence from the UN Security Council, 1528
Freeden, Michael, Concealed Silences and Inaudible Voices in Political Thinking, 1453
Funk, Kevin, Rooted Globalism: Arab-Latin American Business Elites and the Politics of Global Imaginaries, 1531
Gallagher, Janice K., Bootstrap Justice: The Search for Mexico’s Disappeared, 1515
Gattermann, Katjana, The Personalization of Politics in the European Union, 1505
Gautney, Heather, The New Power Elite, 1482
Godrej, Farah, Freedom Inside? Yoga and Meditation in the Carceral State, 1457
Graubart, Jonathan, Jewish Self-Determination beyond Zionism: Lessons from Hannah Arendt and Other Pariahs, 1536
Grzymała-Busse, Anna M., Sacred Foundations: The Religious and Medieval Roots of the European State, 1447
Gunderson, Anna, Captive Market: Accountability and State Prison Privatization, 1466
Haas, Mark L., Frenemies: When Ideological Enemies Ally, 1521
Honig, Lauren, Land Politics: How Customary Institutions Shape State Building in Zambia and Senegal, 1514
Hopkins, Daniel J., Stable Condition: Elites’ Limited Influence on Health Care Attitudes, 1490
Hsueh, Roselyn, Micro-Institutional Foundations of Capitalism: Sectoral Pathways to Globalization in China, India, and Russia, 1504
Kokkonen, Andrej, Jørgen Møller, and Anders Sundell, The Politics of Succession: Forging Stable Monarchies in Europe, AD 1000–1800, 1447
Krause, Sharon R., Eco-Emancipation: An Earthly Politics of Freedom, 1454
Kromer, Mileah K., Blue-State Republican: How Larry Hogan Won Where Republicans Lose and Lessons for a Future GOP, 1475
Kumlin, Staffan and Achim Goerres, Election Campaigns and Welfare State Change: Democratic Linkage and Leadership under Pressure, 1507
Lamb, Michael, A Commonwealth of Hope: Augustine’s Political Thought, 1461
Levendusky, Matthew, Our Common Bonds: Using What Americans Share to Help Bridge the Partisan Divide, 1484
Levi-Sanchez, Suzanne, Bridging State and Civil Society: Informal Organizations in Tajik/Afghan Badakhshan, 1518
Lewis, Hyrum and Verlan Lewis, The Myth of Left and Right: How the Political Spectrum Misleads and Harms America, 1484
Lien, Pei-te and Nicole Filler, Contesting the Last Frontier: Race, Gender, Ethnicity, and Political Representation of Asian Americans, 1474
Ma, Xiao, Localized Bargaining: The Political Economy of China’s High-Speed Railway Program, 1498
Martínez, José Ciro, States of Subsistence: The Politics of Bread in Contemporary Jordan, 1499
McManus, Ian, The Repoliticization of the Welfare State, 1507
Møller, Jørgen and Jonathan Stavnskær Doucette, The Catholic Church and European State Formation, AD 1000–1500, 1447
Nalepa, Monika, After Authoritarianism: Transitional Justice and Democratic Stability, 1501
Norris, Pippa, In Praise of Skepticism: Trust but Verify, 1506
Oktay, Sibel, Governing Abroad: Coalition Politics and Foreign Policy in Europe, 1482
O’Neill, Johnathan, Conservative Thought and American Constitutionalism Since the New Deal, 1479
Ottonelli, Valeria and Tiziana Torresi, The Right Not to Stay: Justice in Migration, the Liberal Democratic State, and the Case of Temporary Migration Projects, 1465
Pérez, Efrén and Margit Tavits, Voicing Politics: How Language Shapes Public Opinion, 1491
Peritz, Lauren J., Delivering on Promises: The Domestic Politics of Compliance in International Courts, 1533
Ratigan, Kerry E., Local Politics and Social Policy in China: Let Some Get Healthy First, 1494
Richmond, Oliver P., The Grand Design: The Evolution of the International Peace Architecture, 1523
Ro’I, Yaacov, The Bleeding Wound: The Soviet War in Afghanistan and the Collapse of the Soviet System, 1520
Rosenthal, Aaron J., The State You See: How Government Visibility Created Political Distrust and Racial Inequality, 1477
Santucci, Jack, More Parties or No Parties: The Politics of Electoral Reform in America, 1469
Schier, Steven E. and Todd E. Eberly, The Trump Effect: Disruption and Its Consequences in U.S. Politics and Government, 1470
Schwartz, Noah S., On Target: Gun Culture, Storytelling, and the NRA, 1487
Schwartz, Rachel A., Undermining the State from Within: The Institutional Legacies of Civil War in Central America, 1511
Shafer, Byron E. and Regina L.Wagner, The Social Roots of American Politics: A Widening Gyre?, 1484
Shapiro, Michael J., Aesthetics of Equality, 1459
Shen, Shiran Victoria, The Political Regulation Wave: A Case of How Local Incentives Systematically Shape Air Quality in China, 1494
Slater, Dan and Joseph Wong, From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia, 1502
Staab, James B. Limits of Constraint: The Originalist Jurisprudence of Hugo Black, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas, 1472
Tatum, Dillon Stone, Liberalism and Transformation: The Global Politics of Violence and Intervention, 1528
Volpilhac-Auger, Catherine, Montesquieu: Let There Be Enlightenment, 1455
Walgrave, Stefaan, Karolin Soontjens, and Julie Sevenans, Politicians’ Reading of Public Opinion and Its Biases, 1512
Wallace, Jeremy L., Seeking Truth and Hiding Facts: Information, Ideology, and Authoritarianism in China, 1517
Welch, David, Security: A Philosophical Investigation, 1525
Whittington, Keith, Repugnant Laws: Judicial Review of Acts of Congress from the Founding to the Present, 1478