We report transport measurements of superconducting amorphous W-based nanodeposits fabricated by focused-ion-beam-induced-deposition (FIBID) technique using W(CO)6 as the gas precursor. We have found that nanowires with width down to ˜100 nm can be grown by FIBID, maintaining the relatively high TC of �5.2 K shown by wider nanodeposits. The critical current found in these nanowires is in the range of 0.8 mA/?m2 at 2 K. At that temperature the critical field HC2 is found to be ?8 T. As previously shown by STM measurements [I. Guillam�n et al., New Journal of Physics 10, 093005 (2008)], these nanodeposits closely follow the BCS theory and are very stable under ambient conditions. All these features pave the way for a wide range of applications of these FIBID W-based nanowires in the field of Nanotechnology.