Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Kapteijn, Renée
Shitut, Shraddha
Aschmann, Dennis
Zhang, Le
de Beer, Marit
Daviran, Deniz
Roverts, Rona
Akiva, Anat
van Wezel, Gilles P.
Kros, Alexander
Claessen, Dennis
Endocytosis-like DNA uptake by cell wall-deficient bacteria.
Nature Communications,
Vol. 13,
Issue. 1,
de Beer, Marit
Daviran, Deniz
Roverts, Rona
Rutten, Luco
Macías-Sánchez, Elena
Metz, Juriaan R.
Sommerdijk, Nico
Akiva, Anat
Precise targeting for 3D cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy volume imaging of tissues using a FinderTOP.
Communications Biology,
Vol. 6,
Issue. 1,