Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017
1 The resolution (P8_TA-PROV(2016)0104, A8-0208/2015) was adopted with 402 votes for and 285 against, with 22 abstentions. Point 47 of the resolution calls on the European Commission, in the view of the serious and persistent problems that arise in the implementation of the NHCR, including problems of distortion of competition, to review the scientific basis of this regulation and how useful and realistic it is, and, if appropriate, to eliminate the concept of nutrient profiles.
2 Available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
3 OJ 2006 L 404/9.
4 OJ 2011 L 304/18.
5 Motion for a Resolution of 27 June 2016 on the draft Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 432/2012 establishing a list of permitted health claims made on foods other than those referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children's development and health (D44599/02 – 2016/2708(RPS). B8-0842/2016.
6 Joe Satran, Gluten-Free Foods Are Not More Nutritious For Most People, Study Finds, The Huffington Post, 7 September 2015.
7 OJ 2015 C 155. The judgment is available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016, not available in English).
8 Guiding principles and framework manual for the development or adaptation of nutrient profile models. Geneva: World Health Organization Geneva: WHO; 2015 (in press).
9 Article 4 of the NHCR.
10 OJ 2015 L 3/6–9.
11 Glucose is metabolised within the normal energetic metabolism of the body; Glucose supports physical activity; Glucose contributes to the proper functioning of the metabolic system; Glucose contributes to the functioning of energy metabolism during physical activity; and Glucose contributes to normal muscle function during physical activity.
12 Note 7.
13 Note 13.
14 Note 34.
15 Case C-296/16P.
16 Shane Starling, Dextro: Claims could have been authorised with conditions of use - Dextro Energy glucose claims contest goes into extra time at ECJ,, 2 June 2016 (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
17 OJ 2015 L 241/1–15.
18 Návrh Vyhláška ze dne ……….. 2016 o požadavcích na potraviny, pro které je přípustná reklama a která lze nabízet k prodeji a prodávat ve školách a školských zařízeních (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
19 Council Decision 2008/157/EC of 18 February 2008 establishing the principles, priorities and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Turkey and repealing Decision 2006/35/EC, OJ 2008 L 51/4–18.
20 Türk Gıda Kodeksi Etiketleme Yönetmeliği, published on 29 December 2011 in the Official Journal No. 28157.
21 Ignacio Carreno, “Chile's Black STOP Sign for Foods High in Fat, Salt or Sugar”, Issue 4/2015 of the European Journal of Risk Regulation (EJRR), P. 622. Decree No. 13 of 16 April 2015 amending Decree 977/1996 Reglamento sanitario de los alimentos (the Food Health Regulation, as it is widely referred to in English, although the correct translation would be Food Sanitary Regulation). Decreto No. 13 de 16 Abril 2015 que modifica Decreto Supremo No. 977, de 1966, Reglamento Sanitario de los Alimentos, Diario Oficial de la Republica de Chile, 26 de Junio de 2015, I No 41.193. STC raised on 6 March 2013, see G/TBT/M/59, paras. 2.26-2.42. In addition, under Decree No. 13 of 16 April 2015, products that are considered high in salt, sugar, saturated fats and calories may not use ‘commercial hooks’ to attract children under 14 years of age. If Kinder Surprise eggs are to be considered using toys to ‘hook’ young consumers, they could be outlawed in Chile under the new laws.
22 The TBT Committee was established pursuant to Article 13 of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (hereinafter, TBT Agreement) for the purpose of affording WTO Members the opportunity to discuss any matters relating to the operation of the TBT Agreement. The TBT Agreement's objective is to ensure that technical regulations and standards, including packaging, marking and labelling requirements, and procedures for assessment of conformity with technical regulations and standards do not create unnecessary obstacles to international trade’. The TBT Committee addresses STCs, i.e., specific laws, regulations, procedures or any other measure proposed or implemented by WTO Members that other WTO Members are concerned may be inconsistent with the provisions or the TBT Agreement, or of which they are interested in receiving more information.
23 Activities of the WTO SPS Committee and other relevant WTO Activities in 2015 and the first quarter of 2016. Report by the WTO Secretariat CAC 39/INF/3, 27 June – 1 July 2016. See Section 2 (Work of the TBT Committee).
24 Ley No. 75 de Promoción de Alimentación Saludable, published on 8 January 2016 in Bolivia's official journal (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016). STC first raised on 9 March 2016, see G/TBT/M/68, paras. 2.47-2.51.
25 Resolution No. 116 and Technical Regulation of the Ecuadorian Standardization Institute RTE INEN 022 (1R) and RTE INEN 022 (2R) on the labelling of processed and packaged food products. Reglamento Técnico Ecuatoriano RTE INEN 022 (1R) y RTE INEN 022 (2R) Rotulado de Productos Alimenticios Procesados, Envasados y Empaquetados (available on the Internet at (R1); (R2)) (last accessed 20 July 2016). The STC was first raised on 19 March 2014 (see G/TBT/M/62, paras. 2.32-2.37).
26 Ley No. 30021 de Promoción de la Alimentación Saludable para Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes, El Peruano, Normas legales, p. 494937 of 17 May 2013. STC first raised on 17 June 2013, see G/TBT/M/60, paras. 3.16-3.25.
27 Decreto Supremo No. 007-2015-SA - Reglamento que establece los parámetros técnicos sobre los alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas procesados referentes al contenido de azúcar, sodio y grasas saturadas, El Peruano, Normas legales, p. 550859 of 18 April 2015.
28 Pan American Health Organization. Pan American Health Organization Nutrient Prole Model. Washington, DC: PAHO, 2016 (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
29 Indonesian Business News 8622/10-31-2014. STC raised on 17 June 2013, see G/TBT/M/60, paras. 3.42-3.46.
30 The Regulation, indeed, refers to natrium.
31 The setting of nutrient profiles for foods bearing nutrition and health claims pursuant to Article 4 of the Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies of 31 January 2008, DOI: 10.2903/j.efsa. 2008.644. Last Updated: 26 November 2009.
32 Simon Pettman, EU Nutrient Profiles: Back on the Table?, 9 October 2012 (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
33 Haber, , Bernd, and Meisterernst, Andreas, Proposals for a Revision of Regulation (EC) 1924/2006 (2011) (1) European Food and Feed Law Review 27–40 Google Scholar.
34 COM(2015) 610 final.
35 Thilo Bode (V.i.S.d.P.). foodwatch-Studie: Vitamine und Naschen? - Wie die Lebensmittelindustrie Verbraucher mit Vitaminzusätzen in die Irre führt. foodwatch e.V. Berlin, Germany (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
36 World Health Organization 2015 (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
37 Vienna Declaration on Nutrition and Noncommunicable Diseases in the Context of Health 2020. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2013 (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
38 European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015–2020. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2014 (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
39 Appendix 1 to Draft Regulations. Foods and beverages that are considered unhealthy under these Regulations [e-document]. Oslo: Helsedirektoratet, 2013 (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
40 Code of responsible food marketing communication to children. Copenhagen: Forum of Responsible Food Marketing Communication, 2015. (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
41 Ignacio Carreno, Paolo R. Vergano, “Clean Labels and ‘Selfevident’ and ‘Flagrantly Misleading’ ‘Palm Oil-free’ Claims”, Issue 2/2015 of the European Journal of Risk Regulation (EJRR); Ignacio Carreno, Paolo R. Vergano, “Uses and potential abuses of ‘negative claims’ in the EU: the urgent need for better regulation”, Issue 4/2014 of the European Journal of Risk Regulation (EJRR).
42 The definition of marketing to children still needs to be established as part of the policy development process and may vary according to national context. The WHO has defined marketing as “any form of commercial communication or message that is designed to, or has the effect of, increasing the recognition, appeal and/or consumption of particular products and services. It comprises anything that acts to advertise or otherwise promote a product or service”.
43 Aude Mahy, EU Court of Justice confirms the prohibition of glucose related claims despite a positive opinion of EFSA, 9 May 2016 (available on the Internet at (last accessed 20 July 2016).
44 Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn, Caffeine claim calamity should give nutrient profiles wings, FoodNavigator, 6 July 2016 (vailable on the Internet at; Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn Commission asks: Can the EU go on without nutrient profiles? FoodNavigator, 4 July 2016 (available on the internet at