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Dr. Stephen M. Stahl is completing his tenure in December 2023 as Editor-in-Chief of CNS Spectrums (CNS). Cambridge University Press is now inviting applications for the position of Editor. A team of Co-Editors will also be considered.

The deadline for applications is September 30, 2023.

CNS Spectrums covers all aspects of the clinical neurosciences, neurotherapeutics, and neuropsychopharmacology, particularly those pertinent to the clinician and clinical investigator. The journal features focused, in-depth reviews, perspectives, and original research articles. New therapeutics of all types in psychiatry, mental health, and neurology are emphasized, especially first in man studies, proof of concept studies, and translational basic neuroscience studies. Subject coverage spans the full spectrum of neuropsychiatry, focusing on those crossing traditional boundaries between neurology and psychiatry.

Interested applicants should send a curriculum vita and cover letter along with an abbreviated development plan (not to exceed two pages) and the names and email addresses of three references, to Jessica Bradley at Cambridge University Press (details below). Applications will be reviewed by committee, and final appointment decisions will be made by the Syndicate of Cambridge University Press.

Working with a journal coordinator, editorial responsibilities will include:

  • Shaping the strategic direction of the journal, in cooperation with Cambridge
  • Organizing and managing the editorial office, with support from Cambridge
  • Managing the peer review process (using the ScholarOne system)
  • Making final article acceptance decisions
  • Editing and proofing articles for the journal
  • Proposing and working with members of an active Editorial Board

In your application, please indicate your:

  • Experience of publishing in the field
  • Editorial experience, ideally with an academic journal
  • Ability to work under pressure, meet deadlines and work as part of a team
  • Strong professional and academic links
  • Organizational, communication and technical skills
  • Institutional support, financial or otherwise, to support your work on the journal
  • Proposed plan for development, including areas such as:
    • Engagement of journal reviewers and editorial board members
    • Areas of focus for future special issues
    • Journal metrics

Please direct applications and any questions to Jessica Bradley, Publisher, Cambridge University Press at [email protected]. Please use CNS Call for Editor as your email subject line.

Click here to download a PDF of this call.