Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Preparatory to the publication of a list of the Coleoptera of this vicinity, it has been thought proper to characterize and name the following forms:-
Bembidium postfasciatum.—Coppery-bronzed, dark beneath, elytra pallid, two dark fasciæ. Head convex, impunctate, longitudinally impressed on each side between the eyes, coppery-bronzed; antennæ wit three basal joints pale, the others fuscous; thorax quadrate, base and length equal, wider at middle, base truncate, basal striæ double, hind angles rectungular, carinate, dorsal line deep, coppery-bronzed, often tinted greein in the basal impressions; elytra pallid, silvery white in life, elongate oval, broadly deeply impressed transversely behind scutellum, deeply striate, striæ dilated before middle and coarsely punctured, punctures finer towards apex, intervals convex, third bipunctate, a broad undulated dark fascia behind middle, another before apex sometimes interrupted at the suture and sides; underside dark, oftern with a greenish reflection; legs entirely pallid.