Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 January 2009
It is a matter of record that Henri Poincaré never responded publicly to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity (RT). Since almost no private papers of Poincaré are available, his attitude toward Einstein's work and his silence on that score become somewhat of a mystery. It is almost certain that Poincaré knew of Einstein's work in RT. First, he was fluent in German, having learned it as a young man when the Germans occupied his home town of Nancy in 1870. Second, he often reported to the members of the Académie des Sciences on current work in electrodynamics in Germany. It is highly improbable that he would have missed the abstract of Einstein's first paper on RT or the subsequent articles by Einstein on the subject, especially those which were translated into French, since they were in areas directly related to his own interests in theoretical physics.
1 Holton, G., “On the Thematic Analysis of Science: The Case of Poincaré and Relativity”, in Mélanges Alexandre Koyré (Paris: Hermann, 1964), 267.Google Scholar
2 Darboux, G., “Éloge historique d'Henri Poincaré”, Oeuvres d'Henri Poincaré (11 vols., Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1934–1954), vol ii, pp. vii–lxx, xv.Google Scholar
3 Ibid., xlii.
4 Journal de physique, v (1906), 493.Google Scholar
5 Einstein, A., “Sur la théorie des quantités lumineuses et la question de la localisation de l'énergie électromagnétique”, Arch. des sci. phys. et nat., xxix (1910), 525–528.Google Scholar
A. Einstein, “Le principe de la relativité et ses conséquences dans la physique moderne”, ibid., 5–28, 125–144.
6 Goldberg, S., “Henri Poincaré and Einstein's Theory of Relativity”, Amer. J. Phys., xxxv (1967), 934–944.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
7 Cf. Frank, P., Philosophy of Science (Englewood-Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1957), 350 ff.Google Scholar (Frank presents an excellent discussion of the vagaries which beset users of the concept of simplicity in talking about science); Cohen, M. R., Reason and Nature (2nd edn., New York: Harcourt Brace, 1931), 177 ff.Google Scholar; Bunge, M., The Myth of Simplicity (Englewood-Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1963), chaps., vi–vii.Google Scholar
8 Poincaré, H., Électricité et Optique (Paris, 1901), v–ix.Google Scholar
9 Poincaré, quoted in Dantzig, T., Henri Poincaré: Critic of Crisis (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1954), 10.Google Scholar
10 Poincaré, H., Science and Hypothesis (New York: Dover Publications, 1952), 145.Google Scholar
11 Ibid. Cf. Eisele-Halpern, Carolyn, “Poincaré's Positivism in the Light of C. S. Pierce's Realism”, Actes du IX congrès international d'histoire des science (Paris: Hermann, 1960), vol. i, 461–465.Google Scholar
12 Poincaré, Science and Hypothesis, 146.Google Scholar
13 Ibid., chaps. 4, 5. Cf. Cohen, loc. cit.
14 Poincaré, H., Science and Method (New York: Dover Publications, n.d.), 17–19.Google Scholar
15 Ibid., 16–20.
16 Goldberg, loc. cit.
17 Poincaré, , Science and Hypothesis, xxii–xxiii.Google Scholar
18 Ibid., xxiii–xxvi.
19 Ibid., xxvi. It should be pointed out that at this time, mechanics, mécanique rationelle as the French called it, was taught exclusively in the department of mathematics. Cf. Rapports (University of Paris, 1905–1906), 155–165.Google Scholar
20 Poincaré, Science and Hypothesis, 140, 150.Google Scholar
21 Holton, loc. cit. (1). Cf. Goldberg, loc. cit. (6).
22 Poincaré, Science and Method, 286.Google Scholar
23 Poincaré, Science and Hypothesis, 143.Google Scholar
24 Holton, , loc. cit., 262.Google Scholar Cf. McCormmach, R., “Henri Poincaré and the Quantum Theory”, Isis, lviii (1967), 37–55.Google Scholar The work of McCormmach suggests that perhaps Poincaré was not quite as cautious in his approach to quantum phenomena.
25 Holton, , loc. cit. (1), 262.Google Scholar
26 Poincaré, quoted in Holton, loc. cit. (1).
27 Poincaré, H., “La théorie de Lorentz et la principe de réaction”, Arch. Néerl., v (1900), 252–278.Google Scholar
28 Holton, , loc. cit. (1), 262–263.Google Scholar
29 Ibid., fn. 9, 263.
30 Poincaré, Science and Method, 199.Google Scholar
31 Poincaré, , “La mécanique nouvelle [an address delivered at the French Association for the Advancement of Science, 1909]” (Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1924), 16–17.Google Scholar
32 Lémeray, E. M., L'éther actuel (Paris, 1924), 124–127.Google Scholar
33 Arzelies, H., La cinématique relativiste (Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1955), vii.Google Scholar
34 Holton has pointed out that Poincaré made similar statements in the last year of his life, 1912. Holton, , loc. cit. (1), 262–263.Google Scholar
35 See page 84 below.
36 Cf. Scribner, C. Jr., “Henri Poincaré and the Principle of Relativity”, Amer. J. Phys., xxxii (1964), 672–678, 677.CrossRefGoogle ScholarKeswani, G. H., “Origin and Concept of Relativity”, Brit. J. Phil. Sci., xv (1965), 286–306.CrossRefGoogle ScholarKeswani, G. H., “Origin and Concept of Relativity II”, Brit.J. Phil. Sci., xvi (1965), 19–32.CrossRefGoogle ScholarHolton, loc. cit. (1), 262.Google Scholar
37 Poincaré, H., “La théorie de Lorentz et le phénomène de Zeeman”, L'éclairage électrique, xix (1899), 5–15.Google Scholar Reprinted in Oeuvres d'Henri Poincaré, ix, 454–460, 460.Google Scholar
38 Poincaré, Électricité et Optique, 536.Google Scholar
39 Lorentz, H., “Electrical Phenomena in a System Moving with any Velocity less than that of Light”, Proc. Acad. Sci. Amst., vi (1904).Google Scholar Reprinted in Lorentz et al., The Principle of Relativity (New York: Dover Publications, n.d.), 11–34. All citations will be to the Dover Publication.
40 Ibid., 13.
41 Holton, G., “On the Origins of the Special Theory of Relativity”, Amer. J. Phys., xxviii (1960), 627–636.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
42 Poincaré, H., “Sur la dynamique de l'électron”, Rend. d. Circolo Mat. di Palermo, xxi (1906), 129–179.CrossRefGoogle Scholar Reprinted in Oeuvres, ix, 494–550, 495.Google Scholar
43 Ibid., 496.
44 Poincaré, H., “Les rapports de la matiere et de l'éther”, Journal de phys. thé. et app., ii, 347–360 (1912).Google Scholar Reprinted in Oeuvres, ix, 669–682, 680.Google Scholar
45 Keswani, loc. cit. (36, II).
46 Ibid., 27.
47 Einstein, quoted in ibid., 25.
48 Goldberg, loc. cit. (6).
49 Holton, G., “Influences on Einstein's Early Work in Relativity Theory”, The American Scholar, xxxvii (1967–1968), 59–79 (68–69).Google Scholar
50 Cf. Darboux, loc. cit., passim.
51 Cf. P. Langevin, “The Scientific Work”, Volterra, et al. , Henri Poincaré (Paris, 1914)Google Scholar, passim.
52 Cf. Dantzig, loc. cit. (9), chap. i.
53 Keswani, loc. cit. (36) passim; loc. cit. (36, II), 23.Google Scholar
54 Ibid., 28.
55 Ibid., 30–31.
56 Goldberg, loc. cit. (6).
57 Ibid.
58 Cf. Poincaré, H., La dynamique de l'électron (Paris, 1913)Google Scholar, passim. In fact, had Poincaré lived, there is evidence that he might have attempted to include recent quantum phenomena within the Lorentz theory. Cf. H. Poincaré, “Sur la théorie des quanta”, Comptes Rendus, cliii (1911), 1103–08. H. Poincaré, “Sur la théorie des quanta”, Journal de phys. thé. et app., ii (1912), 5–34. “In one of his critical essays on the logic and methodology of science, Poincaré wrote that the goal of science was not mechanism but unity. Quanta were ‘fascinating’ to him in this unifying sense; they conformed to the trend of reducing all phenomena to an atomistic interpretation” (McCormmach, loc. cit. (24), 39).
59 Keswani asks if perhaps Einstein's work had not seemed trivial to Poincaré, but refuses to speculate on it. Keswani, loc. cit. (36, II), 31.Google Scholar
60 Goldberg, , loc. cit. (6), 940.Google Scholar
61 Einstein, A., “Über Relativitätsprinzip und die aus demselben gezogene Folgerungen”, Jahrb. Rad. u. Elek., iv (1907), 411–462 (436–439).Google Scholar Cf. Holton, G., “Mach, Einstein, and the Search for Reality”, Daedalus, lxxxxvii (1968), 636–673 (651–652).Google Scholar