Monday, 19 June 2000
Opening of Symposium: Marshall Lind, Chancellor, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Robert A. Bindschadler, President, International Glaciological Society
Martin O.Jeffries, Chairman, Local Organizing Committee and Chief Editor
Chair: Manfred A. Lange0830-1030 h
Session 1: Polynyas: Antarctic
S. S. Jacobs: Polynyas in the Southern Ocean
N. L. Bindoff, G. D. Williams and Ian Allison: Sea-ice growth and water-mass modification in the Mertz Glacier polynya during winter
Andrew Roberts, Ian Allison and Victoria I. Lytle: Sensible and latent heat flux estimates over the Mertz Glacier polynya from in-flight measurements
S. F. Ackley, C. A. Geiger, J. C. King, E. C. Hunke and J. Comiso: The Ronne polynya of 1997/98: observations of air—iceocean interaction
E. C. Hunke and S. F. Ackley: Numerical modeling of the Ronne polynya: an air—ice—ocean interaction event
1050-1250 h Chair: Ian Allison
Session 2: Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (Sheba)
Donald K. Perovich, Jacqueline A. Richter-Menge and Walter B. Tucker, III: Seasonal changes in sea-ice morphology
Jackie Richter-Menge, Don Perovich and Scott Pegau: The impact of summer ice dynamics on the surface heat budget of the Arctic Ocean
Mark A. Tschudi, James A. Maslanik and Judith A. Curry: Airborne passive microwave observations of sea ice during SHEBA
C M. Halle and R. P. Pinkel: Shear variance and associated heat flux in the upper Arctic Ocean during the SHEBA experiment
W Scott Pegau and Clayton A. Paulson: The albedo of Arctic leads Mark A. Hopkins: A granular sea ice model of the Arctic ice pack
1400-1600 h Chair: Fumihiko Nishio
Session 3: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice, I
S. Lyn McNutt and J. E. Overland: Considerations of scale and hierarchy in remote sensing of sea ice in the Beaufort, Chukchi and Bering Seas
Ronald Kwok: Ice deformation, age, and thickness: summary of RGPS results from Nov 96—May 97
Richard R. Forster, David G. Long, Kenneth C. Jezek, Sheldon D. Drobot and Mark R. Anderson: The onset of Arctic sea-ice melt as detected with passive and active microwave remote sensing
S. Gerland, J.-G. Winther, B. V. Ivanov, H. Goodwin and A. Hauser: A ground truth study of sea ice albedo in the Barents Sea during spring and some implications for satellite remote sensing studies
J.J.Yackel andD. G. Barber: On the use of RADARSAT-1 for detection of melt onset over landfast sea ice in the North Water polynya
Sheldon D. Drobot and Mark R. Anderson: Comparison of interannual snow-melt onset dates with atmospheric conditions
1620-1800 h Chair: S. Lyn McNutt
Session 4: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice, II
Christian Haas: The seasonal cycle of ERS scatterometer signatures over perennial Antarctic sea ice and associated surface ice properties and processes
Benjamin Holt and Seelye Martin: Floe size distribution in the western Arctic: a comparative seasonal analysis
Kazuki Nakamura, Fumihiko Nishio and Hiroyuki Wakabayashi: Study on possibility of sea ice thickness estimation using RADARSAT data
Takeshi Matsuoka, Seiho Uratsuka, Makoto Satake,Tatsuharu Kobayashi, Akitsugu Nadai, Toshihiko Umehara, Hideo Maeno, Hiroyuki Wakabayashi, Kazuki Nakamura and Fumihiko Nishio: CRL/NASDA airborne SAR (Pi-SAR) observations of sea ice in the Sea of Okhotsk
S. Li, X. Zhou, K. Morris, M. Jeffries, D. Hall and G. Riggs: Validation of MODIS derived sea ice cover and ice-surface temperature in the Southern Ocean
Tuesday, 20 June 2000
0830-1030 h Chair: Anthony P. Worby
Session 5: Sea-Ice Drift, Deformation and Thickness
Mark R. Drinkwater, Xiang Liu and Sabine Harms: Combined satellite- and ULS-derived sea-ice flux in the Weddell Sea
P. Heil, C. W. Fowler, J. Maslanik, W. J. Emery and I. Allison: A comparison of East Antarctic sea-ice motion derived using drifting buoys and remote sensing
Walter N. Meier and James A. Maslanik: Synoptic-scale ice motion case studies using assimilated motion fields
Matti Lepparanta, Zhanhai Zhang, Jari Haapala and Tapani Stipa: Sea ice kinematics measured with GPS drifters
Bruno Tremblay: The effects of dilatation in large-scale sea ice simulation
W. D. Hibler, III: Modeling the formation and evolution of oriented fractures in sea ice
1050-1250 h Chair: LawsonW. Brigham
Session 6: Polynyas: Arctic
H. Kassens and I. Dmitrenko: The Laptev Sea and it's climate system: major results of the TRANSDRIFT Expeditions
I. Dmitrenko, J. A. Hoelemann, K. Tyshko,V. Churunand H. Kassens: The Laptev Sea flaw polynya: effects on the mesoscale hydrology
Gregory H. Leonard, Sunny Y. Wu and Antony K. Liu: Satellite observation and model simulation of St. Lawrence Island polynya
D. G. Barber, J. Hanesiak,T. N. Papakyriakou, J. Yackel and C J. Mundy: The North Water Polynya study: an interdisciplinary, international and interannual research project on Arctic climate change
C. J. Mundy and D. G. Barber: An annual evolution of sea ice cover in the North Water John Heinrichs, Konrad Steffen and Valerie Sloan: A study of heat transport in Baffin Bay using a coupled ice/ocean data assimilation model
1050-1250 h Chair: Stephen F. Ackley
Session 7: Ocean Waves in Sea Ice
P. J. Langhorne, V. A. Squire, C. Fox and T J. Haskell: Lifetime estimation for a fast ice sheet subjected to ocean swell
Vernon A. Squire and Tony W Dixon: How a region of cracked sea ice affects ice-coupled wave propagation
Hayley H. Shen, Stephen F. Ackley and Mark A. Hopkins: Pancake ice formation in a wave field
Josh Downer, David Tan, Vernon A. Squire and Tony W Dixon: A granular model of the Antarctic MIZ: sensitivity and application
C. Fox and T Haskell: Ocean wave speed in the Antarctic MIZ
Tony W Dixon and Vernon A. Squire: Energy transport in a marginal ice zone
1400-1600 h Chair: Jean-Louis Tison
Session 8: Palaeo- Sea-Ice Variability and Climate
Hezi Gildor and EliTziperman: Sea ice, the glacial cycles'climate switch, and inter-hemispheric thermohaline connections
Lloyd H. Burckle: Determining sea ice distribution in the Southern Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum
Niels Reeh, Henrik HojmarkThomsen, A. K. Higgins and Anker Weidick: Sea ice and the stability of North and North-East Greenland floating glaciers
Fumihiko Nishio, Yoko Toyama, Takayuki Shiraiwa, Tetsuya Fujikawa, Takao Kameda, Yaroslav D. Murav'yev, Alexander A. Ovsyannikov: Interactions between sea ice extents in Okhotsk Sea and Aleutian Low activity derived from Ushkovsky ice cores, Kamchatka
Sharon Jeffers, Tom A. Agnew, Bea Taylor Alt, Roger De Abreu, Roy M. Koerner and Steve McCourt: The effects of the extreme summer of 1998 on the Canadian High Arctic ice regime
Gunter Weller and Patricia Anderson: Impacts of Arctic climate change
Wednesday, 21 June 2000
0830-1030 h Chair: Gunter Weller
Session 9: Variability and Change in the Arctic: Observations
Josefino C Comiso: Satellite observed variability and trend in sea ice extent, surface temperature, albedo, and clouds in the Arctic
John E.Walsh and William L. Chapman: Twentieth-century sea ice variations from observational data
G.V. Alekseev and V. F. Zakharov: Variations of the Arctic sea ice cover during XX century in connection with climate change
P. Wadhams and N. R. Davis: Arctic sea ice morphological characteristics in summer 1996
Y Yu, D. A. Rothrock and G. A. Maykut: Submarine observations of Arctic sea ice thickness
Jia Wang and Moto Ikeda: Arctic sea ice oscillation: regional and seasonal perspectives
1050-1210 h Chair: Tamara Shapiro Ledley
Session 10: Variability and Change in the Arctic: Modelling, I
Larissa Nazarenko, James Hansen, NickolaiTausnev and Reto Ruedy: Unforced multi-decadal climate variability in a global
climate model and equilibrium response to greenhouse forcing
John W. Weatherly and Julie M. Arblaster: Sea ice and climate in 20th and 21st century simulations with a global atmosphereocean— ice model
Cornelia Koberle and Riidiger Gerdes: Variability in Arctic ice export and volume and some underlying mechanisms
Jari Haapala, Arjajuottonen, Marika Marnela, Matti Lepparanta and HeikkiTuomenvirta: Modelling the variability of the sea ice conditions in the Baltic
Thursday, 22 June 2000
0830-1030 h Chair: Christoph Kottmeier
Session 11: Sea Ice/Atmosphere/Ocean: Modelling: Antarctica
John Turner, William Connolley, Doug Cressell and Steven Harangozo: The simulation of Antarctic sea ice in the Hadley Centre Climate Model (HadCM3)
Thierry Fichefet, Benoit Tartinville and Hugues Goosse: Sensitivity of the Antarctic sea ice to the thermal conductivity of snow
XingrenWu, W. F. Budd, A. P. Worby and Ian Allison: Sensitivity of the Antarctic sea-ice distribution to oceanic heat flux in a coupled atmosphere—sea-ice model
Yuxia Zhang and Albert J. Semtner: The Antarctic circumpolar wave in a global, high-resolution, coupled ice—ocean model
Jinro Ukita and Douglas G. Martinson: An efficient adjustable-layering thermodynamic sea-ice model formulation for highfrequency forcing
Ted Maksym and Martin O. Jeffries: Phase and compositional evolution of the flooded layer during snow ice formation on Antarctic sea ice
1050-1250 h Chair: Gerhard Dieckmann
Session 12: Heat and Fluid Flow in Sea Ice
H.J. Trodahl, M. McGuinness, PJ. Langhorne and I. J. Smith: Heat flow processes in first year sea ice
J. Freitag and H. Eicken: The hydraulic permeability of Arctic sea-ice from experiments and modelling
K. M. Golden: Brine percolation and the transport properties of sea ice
Manfred A. Lange, Ulrich Buschmann and Bettina Pfleiderer: Oil and sea ice: NMR tomography
P. E. Bond: Modelling the propagation of light in sea ice
J.-L. Tison and M.Jeffries: Gas properties of winter Antarctic pack ice, Ross Sea
1050-1250 h CHAIR: Jouko Launiainen
Session 13: Ice/Ocean Interactions
Michael P. Meredith, K. J. Heywood, P. F. Dennis, L. E. Goldson and R. M. P. White: On the variability of the fluxes of sea ice and river runoff from the Arctic to the Greenland Sea
S. Pfirman, H. Eicken, R. Colony, P. Schlosser, I. Rigor, M.Jeffries, D. Bauch, R. Mortlock and G. Boenisch: Drifting Arctic sea ice records changing surface ocean conditions
Inga J. Smith, Patricia J. Langhorne, Tim G. Haskell, H.Joe Trodahl, Russell Frew and M. Ross Vennell: Platelet ice and the land-fast sea ice of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
M. A. Morales Maqueda: A modelling study on frazil ice formation and sea ice-ocean interactions in coastal polynyas
Leif Toudal and Max D. Coon: Interannual variability of the sea ice induced salt flux in the Greenland Sea
Jorg Haarpaintner, Jane O'Dwyer, Jean-Claude Gascard, Peter M. Haugan, Ursula Schauer and Svein Osterhus: Seasonal water masses, circulation and brine formation observed in Storfjorden
Michael L. Van Woert, Walter N. Meier, Cheng-Zhi Zou, Andy Archer, Andrea Pellegrini, Paolo Grigioni and Cheryl Bertoia: Satellite observations of upper-ocean currents inTerra Nova Bay, Antarctica
1400-1600 h Chair: Elizabeth Clare Hunke
Session 14: Variability and Change in the Arctic: Modelling, II
W. Maslowski, D. C Marble, W. Walczowski and A. J. Semtner: On large scale shifts in the Arctic Ocean and sea ice conditions during 1979-1998
Andrey Proshutinsky Mark Johnson and Tatiana Proshutinsky: Understanding climatic controls on contaminant transport with sea ice in the Arctic Ocean
H. Goosse, F. M. Selten, R. J. Haarsma and J. D. Opsteegh: Decadal variability in high northern latitudes as simulated by an intermediate-complexity climate model
Mark A. Johnson and Igor V Polyakov: Interannual variability of the Arctic Ocean in 1946—97
A. P. Makshtas: Parameterizations and feedbacks in sea ice models
Michael Hilmer and Thomas Jung: On the link between the North Atlantic Oscillation and Arctic sea ice
Friday, 23 June 2000
0830-1050 h Chair: GynthiaTynan
Session 15: Sea-Ice Ecology and Bio/Geochemistry
Peter Wilson, David Ainley, Nadav Nur, Stan Jacobs, Kerry Barton, Grant Ballard and Joey Comiso: Adelie penguin population growth in the South Pacific sector of Antarctica: relation to sea-ice extent and the Southern Oscillation
H. Goodwin, A. Hauser, A. E. Derocher and M. Mauritzen: Using remote sensing to describe polar bear—sea ice relationships
Sven Gilnther and Gerhard S. Dieckmann: Vertical zonation and community transition of sea ice diatoms in fast ice and platelet layer, Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Christian H. Fritsen, Susan L. Coale, Diann R. Neenan, Angela H. Gibson and David L. Garrison: Biomass, production and microhabitat characteristics near the freeboard of ice floes in the Ross Sea during the Austral summer
David N. Thomas, Gerhard Kattner, Ralph Engbrodt, Virginia Giannelli, Hilary Kennedy, Christian Haas and Gerhard S.
Dieckmann: Dissolved organic matter in Antarctic sea ice
M. A. Granskog and J. Virkanen: Observations on sea ice and surface water geochemistry: implications for importance of sea ice in geochemical cycles in the northern Baltic Sea?
Iris Werner and Rolf Gradinger: Under-ice amphipods in the Greenland Sea and Fram Strait (Arctic): seasonal patterns
1110-1250 h Chair: Donald K. Perovich
Session 16: Surface Energy Budget
Xuanji Wang and Jeffrey R. Key: Spatial variability of the sea ice radiation budget and its effect on aggregate-area fluxes
Gerd Wendler and Anthony Worby: The surface energy budget in the Antarctic summer sea-ice pack
Melanie Fitzpatrick, Richard E. Brandt and Stephen G. Warren: Determining the effects of clouds and sea ice on the solar radiation budget in the Southern Ocean from surface measurements
Jouko Launiainen, Cheng Bin, Juha Uotila andTimoVihma: Turbulent surface fluxes and air—ice coupling in BALTEX-BASIS
B. Brummer, D. Schroder and S. Thiemann: Energy balance over broken sea ice (measurement and parameterization)
1400-1600 h Chair: Jacqueline A. Richter-Menge
Session 17: Snow on Sea Ice
Robert J. Oglesby and Susan Marshall: Snowcover over sea ice: improving climate model representation of snow hydrology
Martin O. Jeffries, H. Roy Krouse, Barbara Hurst-Cushing and Ted Maksym: Snow ice accretion and snow cover depletion on Antarctic first-year sea ice floes
V. I. Lytle and S. F. Ackley: Snow ice growth: a fresh water flux inhibiting deep convection in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Matthew Sturm, Jon Holmgren and Don Perovich: Snow-ice interface temperature measurements from SHEBA: implications for winter heat flux
J. L. Schramm, J. A. Curry, M. Sturm and D. K. Perovich: Sensitivity of surface and snow/ice interface temperatures to thermal conductivity in a slab snow model
Remote Sensing of Sea Ice
A. Darovskikh, H. Eicken, I. Dmitrenko, J. Groves and U. Blahak: Texture and signature of radar images as indicators of brackish and freshwater ice
Richard J. Hall and Peter Wadhams: Automatic video analysis of sea ice for satellite image interpretation
Nick E. Hughes andRichard Hall: IceCam: an environmental monitoring solution for the polar seas with implications for navigation and safety
W B. Tucker, III, D. K. Perovich, T. C. Grenfell and B. Light: Using aerial photography to determine Arctic sea ice surface conditions during summer
M.J. Paget, A. P. Worby and K.J. Michael: Determining the floe size distribution of East Antarctic pack ice from digital aerial photographs
Masashige Nakayama, Kohei Cho, Haruhisa Shimoda, Fumihiko Nishio and Tomonori Tanikawa: Evaluation of frequency bands and polarization for sea ice observation using airborne microwave radiometer in the Okhotsk Sea
HiroyukiWakabayashi, Takeshi Matsuoka, Kazuki Nakamura and Fumihiko Nishio: Estimation of sea ice parameters using polarimetric SAR: results from Okhotsk and Lake Saroma campaign
Jorg Haarpaintner, Peter M. Haugan and Jean-Claude Gascard: Interannual variability of the Storfjorden ice cover and ice production observed by ERS-2 SAR
Harry Stern, Ron Lindsay, Yanling Yu and Ron Kwok: Validation of RADARSAT geophysical processor system products
Axel Bochert: Interpretation of aircraft-based passive microwave measurements by means of line scanner images
Stefan Kern and Georg Heygster: Sea ice retrieval in the Antarctic based on the SSM/I 85.5 GHz polarization difference
Walter N. Meier, Michael L. VanWoert and Cheryl Bertoia: Evaluation of operational SSM/I ice concentration algorithms
Polynyasand Leads
K. Gorgen, J. Bareiss, A. Helbig, A. Rinke and K. Dethloff: An observational and modelling analysis of Laptev Sea ice variations during summer
J. Bareiss and H. Eicken: Siberian river runoff and fast-ice retreat in the Laptev and East Siberian Seas: results from a simple thermodynamic river-discharge—sea-ice model
Karoline Frey, Hajo Eicken, Andrei Darovkikh and Igor Dmitrenko: Satellite observations of new ice formation in the Laptev Sea in relation to surface hydrography
B. V. Ivanov, A. S. Zachek, A. M. Bezgreshnov and I. Dmitrenko: Investigation of radiation and heat interaction processes in the "atmosphere—ice—water" system in the Laptev Sea
T. N. Papakyriakou, R. A. De Abreu, J. Heinrichs, G. J. Mundy and D. G. Barber: Progress on regional energy budget studies in the North Water Polynya
John M. Hanesiak, David G. Barber, Tim N. Papakyriakou and Peter J. Minnett: Incident radiation parameterization schemes in the North Water polynya
K.J.Wilson, D. J. King and D. G. Barber: Tracking annual ice dynamics in the North Water polynya (NOW) using RADARSAT-1
Todd Arbetter: Modeling the North Open Water polynya: comparison of an atmosphere—ice model with an ice—ocean model
R. A. Massom, K. L. Hill, V. I. Lytle, A. P. Worby, M. Paget and I. Allison: Effects of regional fast-ice and iceberg distributions on the behaviour of the Mertz Glacier polynya, East Antarctica
V. I. Lytle, A. P. Worby, R. A. Massom, M. Paget, I. Allison, X. Wu and A. Roberts: Ice formation in the Mertz Glacier polynya during winter
XingrenWu, W F. Budd and Ian Allison: A GGM study of the impacts of persistent Antarctic polynyas
G. Budillon, D. Flocco, G. Fusco, G. Spezie and E. Zambianchi: Wintertime variability of Terra Nova Bay polynya
A. Hauser and G. Kottmeier: Interactions between the Terra Nova Bay and the Ross Sea polynyas
Sea-Ice Physical Properties
Stephen J.Jones and Brian Hill: Structure of sea ice in McMurdo Sound, Antartica
T J. Haskell and P. J. Langhorne: Some properties of refrozen cracks in sea ice
Colin Fox, Tim G. Haskell and Hyuck Chung: Direct measurement of sea-ice characteristic length
A. P. Nagurny and V. G. Korostylev: Bi-spectral estimation of experimental data as applicable to the method of ice thickness determination in the Arctic Basin
J.-L. Tison and V. Verbeke: Chlorinity/salinity distribution patterns in experimental granular sea ice
Johannes Freitag: Fluid motion through sea-ice pore space: a three-dimensional flow simulation based on a lattice Boltzmann formulation
Sea-Ice Motion and Deformation
Josh Downer and Timothy G. Haskell: Ice floe kinematics in the Ross Sea marginal ice zone using GPS and accelerometers
Hyuck Chung and Colin Fox: Calculation of wave—ice interaction
Mark A. Hopkins and Hayley H. Shen: Simulation of pancake ice dynamics in a wave field
Yunhe Zhao and Antony K. Liu: Analysis of sea ice motion from satellite data
W D. Hibler, III: On modeling the anisotropic evolution of pack ice thickness characteristics
Nick Kozlenko and Martinjeffries: Sea ice drift in the eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica
Martin Doble, Max Coon and Oli Peppe: Pancake ice motion in the winter Weddell Sea: experiments aboard Polarstern during April 2000
Sea-Ice/Atmosphere/Ocean: Modelling
Nadja Steiner: Introduction of variable drag coefficients into sea-ice models
Mikko Lensu: Coupling of ridge field evolution with dynamic ice models
Anne E. Armstrong, Lawrence A. Mysak and Louis-Bruno Tremblay: A comparison of modelled sea-ice concentration with observational data from 1958 to 1998
Larissa Nazarenko and Nickolai Tausnev: Modeling of the Beaufort ice—ocean climatology change
Ye. Aksenov and A. C. Coward: The Arctic Ocean circulation as simulated in a very high resolution global ocean model (OCCAM)
Meibingjin, Jia Wang, Francois J. Saucier and Mo to Ikeda: General circulation and transport in the pan Arctic and North Atlantic Ocean
Uma S. Bhatt and Sirpa Hakkinen: North Pacific sea ice and its associated atmospheric variability in the NCARCSM
Bin Cheng, Jouko Launiainen, TimoVihma andjuha Uotila: Modelling sea ice thermodynamics in BALTEX-BASIS
R. Timmermann, A. Beckmann and H. H. Hellmer: The role of sea ice in the fresh water budget of the Weddell Sea
David A. Bailey and Amanda H. Lynch: Heat flux and open boundary conditions in a regional model of the Southern Ocean
Sandra S. Schuster, W M. Connolley andj. Turner: First results of an implementation of a viscous—plastic sea ice rheology within a coupled atmosphere—ocean general circulation model (AOCGM)
Philippe Gachonand Francois J. Saucier: Effects of oceanic conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence on wintertime atmospheric circulation in the northwest Atlantic region
Sea Ice Variability and Climate
L.W Brigham and P. Wadhams: Fast ice in the Russian Arctic: observations from historical sea ice charts
Alexander P. Makshtas and Sergey V. Sutilin: Long-time variability of the Arctic sea ice
Michael Hilmer: Interannual variability and longterm changes of simulated Arctic sea ice
Christian Haas and Hajo Eicken: Interannual variability of summer sea ice thickness in the Siberian and central Arctic under different atmospheric circulation regimes
Zalman M. Gudkovich and S.M. Kovalev: On some mechanisms of cyclic climate changes in the Arctic and the Antarctic
Hiroyuki Enomoto, KazutakaTateyama and Sylviane Surdyk: Winter warming in the higher latitudes and impact on sea ice change
Sohey Nihashi and Kay I. Ohshima: Relationship between the distribution of sea ice in the retreat and advance seasons in the Antarctic Ocean
Raymond G. Smith and Sharon E. Stammerjohn: Variations of surface air temperature and sea ice extent in the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) region
KazutakaTateyama and Hiroyuki Enomoto: Observation of sea ice thickness fluctuation in the seasonal ice covered area during 1991-1999
Sea-Ice Ecology and Bio/Geochemistry
D. N. Thomas, H. A. Kennedy, G. Kattner and G. S. Dieckmann: Export of organic matter sedimenting from platelet ice underlying Antarctic fast ice
K. Tuschling, K. Meiners and J. He: Phytoplankton characteristics near the Laptev Sea polynya (Russian Arctic) in spring 1999
Lars Henrik Smedsrud: Experiments with frazil and sediment aggregation
A. P. Stierle, H. Eicken, G. Krembs and K. Junge: Characterization of sedimentary particles and salt precipitates in coastal sea ice from Barrow, Alaska
Christopher Krembs, K. Junge, J. Deming and H. Eicken: First observations on concentration and potential production and fate of organic polymers in winter sea ice from the Chukchi Sea
Virginia Giannelli, David N. Thomas, Christian Haas, Gerhard Kattner, Hilary Kennedy and Gerhard S. Dieckmann: Behaviour of dissolved organic matter and inorganic nutrients during experimental sea ice formation
Karen Junge, Christopher Krembs, Jody Deming, Aaron Stierle and Hajo Eicken: A microscopic approach to investigate bacteria under in-situ conditions in sea-ice samples
T Mock, A. L. Belem and G. S. Dieckmann: A semi in situ probe to investigate photosynthesis of ice algae in artificial sea ice
J.-L. Tison, C. Haas and S. Sleewaegen: Tank study of physico-chemical controls on gas content and composition during growth of young sea ice
Snow on Sea Ice
J. Iacozza and D. G. Barber: Progress in modelling and measurement of snow distribution and magnitude over first-year sea ice
Mark R. Anderson and Sheldon Drobot: Intra-annual variability in snow melt onset over Arctic sea ice
Hendrik Huwald, Heinz Blatter and Louis-Bruno Tremblay: Impact of a snow layer on the thermodynamics of sea ice
Kim Morris and Martin O.Jeffries: Seasonal contrasts in snow cover characteristics on Ross Sea ice floes
Donald K. Perovich and Bruce C. Elder: The annual temperature cycle of Arctic sea ice
Sea-Ice Optical Properties and Energy Balance
A. Alam, J. A. Curry and M. A. Tschudi: A parameterization of the lead-width distribution and surface turbulent heat flux for sea ice
Richard E. Brandt, Stephen G. Warren and Collin S. Roesler: Spectral albedo, absorptance, and transmittance of Antarctic sea ice
Xiaobing Zhou, Shusun Li and Kim Morris: Measurement of all-wave and spectral albedos of snow-covered summer sea ice in the Ross Sea
M. J. McGuinness, K. A. Landman, H. J. Trodahl and A. E. Pantoja: Solar radiative heating in first year sea ice
Alberto Blanco Sequeiros: Optical properties of sea ice in the northern Baltic Sea
B. V Ivanov, S. Gerland, J.-G. Winther and H. Goodwin: Energy exchange processes in the marginal ice zone of Barents Sea during spring 1999
Takenobu Toyota and Masaaki Wakatsuchi: Characteristics of heat budget during the ice growing season in the southern Okhotsk Sea from in-situ observations
R. W Lindsay: Arctic sea-ice albedo derived from RGPS-based ice-thickness estimates
Sea-Ice Growth Properties
Jinro Ukita, Sharon Stammerjohn, Timothy Newberger and Ray Smith: Early winter sea ice development in the western Antarctic Peninsula region
Noriyuki Tanaka, Toshiyuki Kawamura,Mariko Seimiya and Jinro Ukita: Stable isotopic fractionation during sea ice formation: ice type dependence
"VbkoToyama, Fumihiko Nishio and Junko Hasegawa: Salinity profile and crystallographic anisotropy of sea ice derived from ECM method
K. P. Tyshko, S. M. Kovalev, I. A. Dmitrenko, J. Hoelemann, H. Eicken and H. Kassens: Sea-ice crystal alignment in the southern Laptev Sea
T Kawamura, K. Shirasawa, N. Ishikawa, A. Lindfors, K. Rasmus, M. Granskog, J. Ehn, M. Lepparanta,T Martma and R. Vaikmae: Time series observations of the structure and properties of brackish ice in the Gulf of Finland
Kang Jiancheng, Sun Bo, Sun Junyin, Men Guanglin and Kumiko Goto-Azuma: The characteristics of summer sea ice and their relationship with climate at the Chuckchi Sea, the Arctic Ocean
Sea-Ice Thickness
Christian Haas and Peterjochmann: Engineering applications of EM ice thickness measurements
H. Eicken, W. B. Tucker, III and D. K. Perovich: Indirect measurements of the mass balance of summer Arctic sea ice with an electromagnetic induction technique
A. P. Worby, G. M. Bush and I. Allison: A comparison of ice thickness distribution data from upward looking sonar and ship data
Sharon Stammerjohn, Jinro Ukita, Ray Smith and Michael Golee: Early winter snow and sea ice thickness in the western Antarctic Peninsula region
TinaTin and Martin O. Jeffries: Sea ice thickness and roughness in the Ross Sea, Antarctica