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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 May 2017
1 15 J.O. Comm. Eur. (NO. L 299) 32, 45 (1972).
2 298UNTS 11.
3 18 O.J. Eur. Comm. (NO. L 204) 28 (1975).
4 21 O.J. Eur. Comm. (No. 304) 1 (1978).
5 For the amended texts of the Convention and the Protocol, see id. at 36 and 74. They are reproduced in 2 Common Mkt. Rep. (CCH) HH6003–6079, 6080, 6081–6095, 6096 (1978).
6 Supra note 3.
7 See, e.g., Freeman, , The EEC Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments, 3 Nw. J. Int’l L. & Bus. 496 (1981)Google Scholar; Herzog, , The Common Market Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments: An Interim Update, 17 Va. J. Int’l L. 417 (1977)Google Scholar.
8 Treaty instituting the European Coal and Steel Community, Apr. 18, 1951, 261 UNTS 140; Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, Mar. 25, 1957, 298 UNTS 11; Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, Mar. 25, 1957, 298 UNTS 167.
9 Especially the two treaties establishing common institutions: Convention relating to certain institutions common to the European Communities, Mar. 25, 1957, 298 UNTS 267, and Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities, Apr. 8, 1965, 2 Common Mkt. Rep. (CCH) 15115.
10 Capotorti, Relatione Introduttiva (at Section II of the Naples Conference), in La Politica Mediterranea Della CEE 120, 122.