Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 January 2017
The recent synthesis of Minnesota archaeology by Wilford has revealed the presence of Hopewellian-like materials in the northern part of the state. These seem thoroughly blended with “Lake Michigan” Woodland traits and may represent the feathering out of the Hopewellian complex and its integration into existing Woodland manifestations.
None of the “spectacular” Hopewellian traits are present in the Laurel and Arvilla foci, however, and it is doubtful if they can be properly called “Hopewellian.” In this connection I believe it may be of interest to note an early report of excavations at St. Paul, Minnesota, by T. H. Lewis.
1 Lewis, T. H. “Mounds and Stone Cists at St. Paul, Minn.” American Antiquarian, Vol. XVIII, pp. 314–320. Chicago, 1896.,
2 L. R. Cooper, The Red Cedar River Variant of the Wisconsin Hopewell Culture. Bulletin of the Public Museum of Milwaukee, Vol. 16, No. 2.