SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYGeneral literature on comparative law and constitutional problemsAtiyah, P. S., Law and Modern Society, 2nd edn (Oxford and New York, 1995)
van Caenegem, R. C., Judges, Legislators and Professors (Cambridge, 1993)
An Historical Introduction to Western Constitutional Law (Cambridge, 1995)
Cappelletti, Mauro, The Judicial Process in Comparative Perspective (Oxford, 1989)
de Cruz, Peter, A Modern Approach to Comparative Law (Deventer and Boston, 1993)
Dahl, Robert A., On Democracy (New Haven Conn., and London, 1998)
David, René, Les grands systèmes de droit contemporains, 3rd edn (Paris, 1969)
Eisenstadt, S. N., Paradoxes of Democracy (Washington, D.C., 1999)
Ellis, Evelyn (ed.), The Principle of Proportionality in the Laws of Europe (Oxford, 1999)
Finer, S. E., Vernon Bogdanor and Bernard Rudden, Comparing Constitutions (Oxford, 1995)
Friedmann, Wolfgang, Law in a Changing Society, 2nd edn (Harmondsworth, 1972)
Grewe, Constance, and Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Droits constitutionnels européens (Paris, 1995)
Guéhenno, Jean-Marie, La fin de la démocratie (Paris, 1993)
Henkin, Louis, The Age of Rights (New York, 1990)
Held, David, Models of Democracy, 2nd edn (Cambridge, 1998)
Lauvaux, Philippe, Les grandes démocraties contemporaines (Paris, 1990)
Lijphart, Arend, Patterns of Democracy. Government Forms and Performances in Thirty-six Countries (New Haven Conn., and London, 1999)
MacCormick, Neil, Questioning Sovereignty: Law, State and Nation in the European Commonwealth (Oxford, 1999)
Pound, Roscoe, The Spirit of the Common Law (Boston, Mass., 1921)
Schwarze, Jürgen, European Administrative Law (London and Luxembourg, 1992)
Stein, Peter, Roman Law in European history (Cambridge, 1999)
Sweet, Alec Stone, Governing with Judges: Constitutional Politics in Europe (Oxford, 2000)
Weiler, J. H. H., The Constitution of Europe (Cambridge, 1999)
Zweigert, K. and H. Kötz, An introduction to Comparative Law, 3rd edn, trans. Tony Weir (Oxford, 1998)
American developmentsBickel, Alexander M., The Least Dangerous Branch. The Supreme Court at the bar of politics (Indianapolis, Ind., 1963)
Bork, Robert H., The Tempting of America. The Political Seduction of the Law (New York and London, 1990)
Chemerinsky, Erwin, Constitutional Law (New York, 1997)
Cox, Archibald, The Role of the Supreme Court in American Government (Oxford, 1976)
Ely, John Hart, Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review, 11th edn (Cambridge, Mass., 1995)
Friedrich, Carl J., The Impact of American Constitutionalism Abroad (Boston, 1967)
Gillman, Howard, The Constitution Besieged. The Rise and Demise of Lochner Era Police Powers Jurisprudence (Durham, N.C., and London, 1995)
Grant, Alan, The American Political Process, 6th edn (Aldershot, 1997)
Jackson, Robert, The Struggle for Judicial Supremacy (New York, 1941)
Jones, Charles O., The Presidency in a Separated System (Washington, D.C., 1994)
Keefe, William J., The American Legislative Process. Congress and the States (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1993)
Kurland, Philip B., Mr. Justice Frankfurter and the Constitution (Chicago and London, 1971)
Lusky, Louis, By What Right? A Commentary on the Supreme Court's Power to Revise the Constitution, 2nd edn (Charlottesville, Va., 1978)
McCloskey, Robert G., The American Supreme Court, 3rd edn revised by Stanford Levinson (Chicago and London, 2000)
Morris, Charles R., A Time of Passion. America 1960–1980 (Harmondsworth, 1986)
Nagel, Robert F., Constitutional cultures. The Mentality and Consequences of Judicial Review (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1989)
Neustadt, Richard, Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents (New York, 1990)
Newman, Roger K., Hugo Black, A Biography (New York, 1994)
Scalia, Antonin, A Matter of Interpretation – Federal courts and the Law (Princeton, N.J., 1997)
Schwarz, Bernard, Super Chief. Earl Warren and his Supreme Court – A Judicial Biography (New York and London, 1983)
Schwarz, Bernard, A History of the Supreme Court (New York and Oxford, 1993)
Sunstein, Cass R., Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict (Oxford and New York, 1996)
Tribe, Laurence H., Constitutional Choices (Cambridge, Mass., 1985)
Westin, Alan W., The Analysis of a Constitutional Law Case. The Steel Seizure Decision (New York, 1968, reissue 1991)
Zemach, Y. S., Political Questions in the Courts (Detroit, Mich., 1976)
The British constitution; English lawAllen, T. R. S., Law, Liberty and Justice. The Legal Foundations of British Constitutionalism (Oxford, 1993)
Bagehot, Walter, The English Constitution (Fontana edn, introduced by R. H. S. Crossman, 11th edn, Glasgow, 1975)
Barber, James, The Prime Minister since 1945 (Oxford, 1991)
Barendt, Eric, An Introduction to Constitutional Law (Oxford, 1998)
Bradley, A. W., and K. D. Ewing, Constitutional and Administrative Law, 12th edn (London and New York, 1997)
Brazier, Rodney, Constitutional Reform. Reshaping the British Political System, 2nd edn (Oxford, 1998)
Butler, David, Andrew Adonis and Tony Travers, Failure in British Government. The Politics of the Poll Tax (Oxford, 1994)
Cane, Peter, An Introduction to Administrative Law, 3rd edn (Oxford, 1996)
Dicey, A. V., An Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, 10th edn introduced by E. C. S. Wade (London, 1959)
Forsyth, Christopher (ed.), Judicial Review and the Constitution (Oxford and Portland, Or., 2000)
Goldsmith, Jeffrey, The Sovereignty of Parliament: History and Philosophy (Oxford, 1999)
Griffiths, J. A. G., The Politics of the Judiciary, 5th edn (London, 1997)
James, Simon, British Cabinet Government, 2nd edn (London and New York, 1999)
Jowell, Jeffrey, and Dawn Oliver (eds.), The Changing Constitution, 4th edn (Oxford, 2000)
McWhinney, Edward, Judicial Review in the English-Speaking World, 4th edn (Toronto, 1969)
Markesinis, B. S. (ed.), The Gradual Convergence. Foreign Ideas, Foreign Influences and English Law on the Eve of the 21st Century (Oxford, 1994)
Marshall, Geoffrey, Constitutional Conventions (Oxford, 1993)
Paterson, Alan, The Law Lords (London, 1982, reprint 1984)
Scarman, Sir Leslie, English Law: The New Dimension, 26th Hamlyn lecture (London, 1974)
de Smith, Stanley, and Rodney Brazier, Constitutional and Administrative Law, 8th edn (Harmondsworth, 1998)
Stevens, Robert, Law and Politics. The House of Lords as a Judicial Body, 1800–1976 (London, 1979)
Walkland, S. A., and Michael Ryle (eds.), The Commons Today, revised edn of The Commons in the Seventies (Glasgow, 1981)
Wade, H. W. R., Constitutional Fundamentals, 32nd Hamlyn lecture, (London, 1980)
Wade, H. W. R., and C. F. Forsyth, Administrative Law, 8th edn (Oxford, 2000)
France and GermanyAvril, Pierre, La Vme République. Histoire politique et constitutionnelle (Paris, 1987)
Badura, Peter, Staatsrecht (Munich, 1986)
Bell, John, French Constitutional Law (Oxford, 1998)
Braibant, Guy, and Bernard Stirn, Le droit administratif français, 4th edn (Paris, 1997)
Brown, L. Neville, and John S. Bell, French Administrative Law, 5th edn (Oxford, 1998)
Cohen-Tanugy, Laurent, La métamorphose de la démocratie (Paris, 1998)
Crozier, Michel, Le phénomène bureaucratique (Paris, 1963)
Currie, David P., The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany (Chicago and London, 1994)
Debbasch, Charles, and Jean-Marie Pontier, La société française, 2nd edn (Paris, 1991)
Fisher, Howard A., The German Legal System and Legal Language, 2nd edn (London and Sidney, 1999)
Hamon, Léo, Les juges de la loi. Naissance et rôle d'un contrepouvoir: le Conseil constitutionnel (Paris, 1987)
Hamson, C. J., Executive Discretion and Judicial Control, 6th Hamlyn lecture (London, 1954)
Kommers, Donald P., The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany, 2nd edn (Durham, N.C., and London, 1997)
Laufs, A., Rechtsentwicklungen in Deutschland, 5th edn (Berlin and New York, 1996)
Lavroff, Dmitri, Le système politique français, 5th edn (Paris, 1991)
di Manno, Thierry, Le juge constitutionnel et la technique des décisions interprétatives en France et en Italie (Paris, 1997)
Markesinis, B. S., The German Law of Torts, a Comparative Introduction, revised 3rd edn (Oxford, 1997)
Maurer, Hartmut, Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht, 12th edn (Munich, 1999)
Michalowski, Sabine, and Lorna Woods, German Constitutional Law. The Protection of Civil Liberties (Aldershot, 1999)
Rivero, Jean, Le Conseil Constitutionnel et les Libertés, 2nd edn (Paris, 1987)
Rousseau, Dominique, Droit du contentieux constitutionnel, 2nd edn (Paris, 1992)
Stirn, B., Le Conseil d'Etat, son rôle, sa jurisprudence, 2nd edn (Paris, 1994)
Stone, Alec, The Birth of Judicial Politics in France: The Constitutional Council in Comparative Perspective (New York and Oxford, 1992)
Viansson-Ponté, Pierre, Histoire de la république gaullienne, new edn, “Bouquins” (Paris, 1971)