The variation in the thermic effect of a meal (TEM) was investigated in two groups of five subjects following a standard test meal. Results demonstrated a 50 % lower response over 6 h, in the same subjects, when measured intermittently (protocol 2) as compared with a continuous measurement (protocol 1). The variation in TEM among occasions (measured on three occasions in each subject) was large (coefficient of variation (CV) 18.7%, P < 0.02). However, the post-meal total energy output (CV 1.4%, P > 0.05), non-protein respiratory quotient (CV 1.9%, P > 0.05) and substrate oxidation rate were not different (P > 0.05) in the same individual on separate occasions. Small variations in the basal metabolic rate (BMR) from occasion to occasion (CV 2.6%) contributed to the variation in TEM. However, after allowing for the changes in BMR, variation in TEM (CV 8.6%, P > 0.05) was still sizeable though not statistically significant.
Thermic effect: Methodology: Variation of thermic effect