The life history of Cora marina was followed for one year in two permanent streams at 600 m elevation in Guanacaste National Park; Costa Rica. The water temperature was c. 21°C year-round, but there was a distinct wet-dry seasonality, very little rain falling from January to May. In both streams, C. marina was univoltine. Adults first appeared at the beginning of May and the flight period coincided with the wet season. The availability of water-soaked logs as oviposition sites probably restricts reproduction to the wet season. Eggs hatched from mid-July to December. Recruitment to subsequent larval instars was slow during the wet season but increased at the start of the dry season. Final-instar larvae were collected from March to October. Oviposition in logs above the stream and the ability to live in the low oxygen conditions of the hyporheic zone probably allow eggs and small larvae to survive wet season spates.
El ciclo biológico de una libelula tropical: Cora marina (Odonata: Polythoridae) en Guanacaste, Costa Rica.