167 results in Open Access

Acta Neuropsychiatrica
- Published for: Scandinavian College of Neuropsychopharmacology
- Journal
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- Open access

Acta Numerica
- Journal
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- Open access

Advances in Archaeological Practice
- Published for: Society for American Archaeology
- Journal
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- Open access

Agricultural and Resource Economics Review
- Published for: the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) Title history: Journal of the Northeastern Agricultural Economics Council (1972 - 1984), Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (1984 - 1992), Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (1993 onwards)
- Journal
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- Open access

- Journal
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- Open access

AJIL Unbound
- Published for: the American Society of International Law
- Journal
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- Open access

Animal Health Research Reviews
- Published for: Published in collaboration with the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases
- Journal
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- Open access

Animal Nutriomics
- Published for: Zhejiang Universityand Zhejiang University Press
- Journal
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- Open access

Animal Welfare
- Published for: the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
- Journal
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- Open access

Annals of Actuarial Science
- Published for: The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
- Journal
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- Open access

Annals of Glaciology
- Published for: the International Glaciological Society
- Journal
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- Open access

Antarctic Science
- Published for: Antarctic Science Ltd
- Journal
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- Open access

Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology
- Published for: the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA)
- Journal
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- Open access

Applied Psycholinguistics
- Journal
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- Open access

Archaeological Dialogues
- Journal
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- Open access

Asia-Pacific Journal
- Published for: Asia-Pacific Journal, Inc.
- Journal
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- Open access

Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education
- Published for: The Australian Association of Special Education Inc. Title history: Australian Journal of special Education (1977 - 1986), Australasian Journal of Special Education (1987 - 2017), Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education (2018 onwards)
- Journal
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- Open access

Australian Journal of Environmental Education
- Published for: the Australian Association for Environmental Education
- Journal
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- Open access

Behavioural Public Policy
- Journal
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- Open access

Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
- Journal
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- Open access