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Neuroscience of Attention

Coming soon in April 2025


, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Attention is critical to our daily lives, from simple acts of reading or listening to a conversation to the more demanding situations of trying to concentrate in a noisy environment or driving on a busy roadway. This book offers a concise introduction to the science of attention, featuring real-world examples and fascinating studies of clinical disorders and brain injuries. It introduces cognitive neuroscience methods and covers the different types and core processes of attention. The links between attention, perception, and…

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Key features

  • Each chapter starts with clear 'Learning Objectives' and ends with 'Chapter Summaries', 'Review Questions', and 'Suggested Readings'
  • Boxes highlighting current controversies are included to spark interest in ongoing debates, and each chapter is broken down into accessible sections
  • Full color reproductions of important neuroscience results and original figures explaining important methods and theories are integrated within each chapter

About the book